The Bag Lady was working in her garden the other day, and the corn was whispering to her.
The wind rustling through the dry stalks of corn was saying "autumn is coming, autumn is coming"....
Hard to tell yesterday, though. It was 30C (85F)! And today is supposed to be just as hot. That is a little unusual for this time of year is this neck of the woods.
The Bag Lady is not complaining, though. The weather will be cold soon enough. She has been hard at work on several little projects - she has today off work, and wants to finish up a few things around the house. She also needs to finish harvesting her garden, but the weather is supposed to hold for a few more days, so she'll leave the garden for awhile yet. And do her best to ignore the corn whispers.
Our temperatures are around the same as yours, but that is normal for us this time of year, and also speaks of autumn to us, as it is cooler than last month.
Enjoy your warmth before the cold sets in, and I hope you get all of your garden tended.
corn whispers.
I loved your words in this post.
You and The Goats Lunch Pail get my creative brain going.
Thats a good thing...
Ah, I'm glad you can still hear the whispers, Cousin. It's good to stay in touch with the natural world.
Maybe if you whispered back to the corn, you could get a movie deal like the guy who whispers to horses.
Yes, and like Messymimi says 'get all of your garden tended.' You know what happened to mine.
We're having the same weird weather you guys are!! First the late spring and then the cool summer and now the hot fall. SO weird.
We've had a mix of temperatures lately, but what I'm really noticing is that it's getting dark earlier. That seemed to happen really fast, sneaked right up on me.
you been in the gin, babe?
Autumn whispered to me last week. I think it lied, because it is hot and muggy again. Pffft.
messymimi - I'm not sure I could live where you live! This weather is almost too hot for me, and you say it's normal for you? Cooler? Oh, dear.
Miz - thanks! I really didn't think your creativity needed much prompting! :)
dfLeah - too bad more people don't get to hear the corn whispers! The world might be a better place.
POD - Corn isn't as 'sexy' as horse, methinks. No movie for Baggie.
Charlotte - this HAS been an unusual year, hasn't it? I'm not complaining about the warmth now, though, 'cause I know it will be cold soon!
JavaChick - I've noticed the shorter days too, and how they sorta snuck up on us!
Anonymous - not yet, but if things get any more stressful around here, look out! :)
kcinnova - but was it corn whispering, or something else? :)
It's been nice and warm out here too...
As long as the corn is the only thing whispering I thik you'll be OK. :)
Geo - does that mean that I shouldn't listen to the potato whispers? :)
You are having warm weather, aren't you? It was 70 this morning here in Houston and we were all practically dancing in the streets. We usually don't get temps below mid-80s until October.
Enjoy your extended summer!
BG - we are having some grand weather! I'm enjoying it, because I know it isn't going to last.
UMMmmmm, corn! Whispers are alright Sis, it's when it starts yelling at you that you have to look out.
Reb - you have a point. Especially if it's yelling obscenities....
It definitely feels like fall here. After living in Texas for so long, I am really enjoying the idea of 4 seasons. (But ask me again in February!)
We've got a forecast in the eighties for the rest of the week, too. Which means it's warmer now than it was for most of August, which Is Not Natural. Plus, in the past four days I've had six and a half inches of rain. It's just as well I didn't get anything planted for a fall garden, because it would have washed away.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Corn whispers... I like that. Do you whisper back? Go on, try it. They'll hear you well enough.. they have ears. ;)
Scrumpy - I hope you have a mild winter there for your first one - sorta ease you into it! :)
Mary Anne in Kentucky - these temps. aren't natural for us, either, but we haven't had any significant rainfall since July!
Hilary - that cracked me up! :)
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