Many years ago, the Bag Lady lived a different life in a different city.
She had a little house with a very big tree. She had not planted the tree,
if she had, it wouldn't have been so close to the house but she loved it. It was a beautiful tree
if it hadn't been so close to the house and it was very large.
When the Bag Lady lived in her little house with the very big tree in a different city long, long ago, she tried to keep the tree trimmed and under control. As time passed, the tree did what trees will do, and it grew and grew.
The Bag Lady eventually sold her little house in that different city because she had moved to the country, but she occasionally drives into that city, and one day she happened to have business in the neighbourhood where her little house was, so she drove past her little house just to see how her tree was faring.
Her tree was gone!
She carried on to her destination, pain in her heart, mourning the loss of her beautiful
roof wrecking tree. She had always known that the tree would eventually have to be cut down, but she had hoped that
the current owners would just move their damned house away from her tree it wouldn't happen for many years to come.
When she had finished her business in the neighbourhood, she drove back past her little house with the non-existent tree and saw that there was now a vehicle in the driveway. She also noticed that there were suckers growing around the stump of the once magnificent tree, so, on a whim, she stopped. She rang the doorbell of her little house (she doesn't care, it will always be her little house, even though, if she were carried into it unconscious and woke up, she wouldn't know she was in her little house because of the extensive and wonderful renovations they have done!) and asked the current owners if it would be alright if she took a couple of cuttings from the tree.
The current owners were very gracious and gave the Bag Lady a tour of the house to show her all the renovations (
"You moved the basement stairs! I always wanted to do that".... "A bathroom in the basement? I wanted to do that, too!" .... "Oh.My.God!! I LOVE that you turned the garage into a family room. That was one of my dreams....") and even loaned her a pair of scissors to take her cuttings from the tree.

She sincerely hopes the cuttings will take root and that eventually she will have a beautiful tree in her yard in the country. In the middle of her yard, where the tree can grow and grow and spread out like nature intended!