First, this is what you want to see when a cow is starting to calve - the feet are pointing in the right direction (down), which means the calf is being born properly. The front feet come first, then you can sometimes see the tongue, then the nose, then everything else follows. (click on photo to enlarge)

This was the first calf for this cow, so I didn't want to bother her too much. I did manage to get a rather hard-to-see video of the calf right after it was born:
There ends the lesson in calving cows for today!
Thanks for the lesson! Cute video, I was cheering for him to stand up!
Excellent pic and video. I'm guessing the little guy got up fairly soon?
Awww too cute.
Reb - thanks - I feel that way all the time!
dfLeah - it was something like 23 minutes!
Hilary - thanks.
Thanks for the condensed calving lesson! That's really cool.
Glad you enjoyed it!
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