And here is another video clip of yesterday's calf - she was about 2 hours old when this was taken.
There was yet another calf born today (about an hour ago) but his mother is a little cranky, so the Bag Lady doesn't have a picture of him yet.
Hope you are enjoying calving season!
df Bag Lady,
I am going to meet my deadline so am back among the living, ah, the blogging.
Wow! That calving is very cool. It's amazing how animals jsut take care of birthing all by themselves.
dfTerrie! Good to see you back with us. Glad to know you are going to meet your deadline!
Yes, calving is cool. I love watching it - it's like a miracle every time.
The lastest little one looks quite spirited.
The way mom's ear was twitching in the video made me want to back away slowly. Okay, it made me want to turn and run.
Wow, it IS busy this time of year, isn't it!
The pictures and videos are so cute--keep 'em coming!
dfLeah - I was ready to cut and run, believe me! She has been a nice quiet cow, so far, but you never know for sure how they will act once they have a calf. Like the newest mother out there right now. That's why there's no picture of him yet!
Crabby - glad you are enjoying calving vicariously! Truly is the best way to do it (no smells, mud, blood or shit...:)
Love the mama's expression when she sees the video camera focusing on her. "My baby!!"
She is going to be a very good mother...well, except for the brief moment this afternoon when she forgot where she left her calf....
Adorable! S/He looks so happy to be up & moving! Yeah, I was ready to back away when she moved!
They're so cute and small that it's hard to believe they're going to grow up into big ol' cows!
Reb - keeps your old sister paying attention, anyway!
BG - yeah, they are so darned cute when they're little. Then they grow up.
You have babies! Sooooo cute. We have a few babies down here--turns out we haven't sent all the Canadian Geese back to you. There are two families with fuzzy little ones in the pond near where hubby works. We took pictures and the parents were like, "Put down the camera and throw the bread already!"
We're falling behind with the calf-naming, people!
Too cute, Baggie. :)
Amy - did y'all keep those geese for seed?
Hilary - someone suggested I should name the calves after my blog-buddies...what do you think?
That's funny, Baggie because on my last comment I almost said something like "pick a name.. any name.. Crabby.. Farley.. Pegasus.. Smitten.." So yeah, I guess I think it's a good idea. ;)
Love that first picture - so cute!
Thanks, Javachick!
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