So, are you tired of calf pictures and videos yet? That's the very newest calf in the picture above.
It was a fairly busy weekend around here. We had 3 calves in under 24 hours, so calving season is finally underway. None of the heifers had any trouble, fortunately. The weather has been co-operative; nice and warm.
This video is of the two newest calves - the one tearing around is a day old, the other is about 6 hours old. The poor mothers tend to be a little frantic at this stage! The Bag Lady loves watching the calves learn what they can do! She was going to tell you that she won't post any more pictures of calves, but that would be a lie. She won't be able to help herself...
It was suggested to the Bag Lady that she should name her calves after some of her blog-buddies. How do you feel about that? The Bag Lady doesn't want to offend anyone by naming a calf after them, but if you would like a calf named after you, let her know in the comments section!
I would love to know there was a Crabby calf out there! But they all seem so cheerful and optimistic--you might have to wait a while to find a cranky one.
And no, we are definitely NOT getting tired of these adorable calves. At least I'm not.
I agree with crabby - keep the photos coming. I love seeing them.
As an old farm girl I won't tire of cow pics.
The little guy(?)in the top photo just might be a handful.
If you find a calf that suits me go ahead and name it after me if you like. When I was four I named a Jersey calf after me using my middle name. Jocelyn butted me down one day so dad sold her. Feel free to use that name if you think it suits a calf better.
I'd be smitten with Smitten, even though I'm sure you'd end up calling her Smitty. Or you could use my name.. whichever works for you.
And yup, keep them coming. :)
Alrighty then, there will be a Crabby calf, and a Jocelyn, and a Smitty. Javachick, you didn't say anything about it, so I'll hold off - maybe I'll name one after your cats!
Thanks, df Bag Lady. The Biblical name Leah translates as wild cow. Even though that apparently refers to gazelle it's best not to bait the Universe so Jocelyn is the better choice. I'm looking forward to a pic of my namesake.
dfLeah - thanks for pointing that out - don't need to tempt fate! The last thing we need is any kind of wild cow!
Love the little guys! I think "missicalf" does have a certain flair to it :-)
Missicat - that's cute! So I'm guessing that I was being silly, thinking folks would be offended by having a calf named after them...?
Very silly to think anyone would be offended! I think it's more of an honour to get a calf named after you:)
It always amazes me how quickly they can move around after being born. And it makes you wonder why we're the ones who've discovered all this technology and everything when we're just so useless for our first few years... clearly, animals like cows should be the ones to rule the world!
df Bag Lady,
Keep the pictures coming and no one in their right mind would be offended to have a calf named after them. Calves are adorable.
Sagan - I think it would be a much more placid world if cows ruled!!
Okay, I'll start naming calves after bloggers!
I think you should definitly name cows after bloggers- just clairfy which one you're talking about to avoid confusion and possible embarassment
(ie. Emily got stuck in the birth canal last night and we spent 3 hours trying to pull her out!)
Come to think about it, it might be more fun if you don't let us know if you are referring to cow or blogger
(Emily got loose and spent all day yesterday dodging the bag lady who tried desperately to corral her back into the field. She was later found wandering down the middle of the road and picked up by some nice stranger)
dfTerrie - don't know how I missed seeing your comment...okay, there will be a Farley soon!
Emily - that totally cracked me up! Should have lots of fun with this!
Cute video. No, I don't think anyone will get tired of them, they are so cute. Go ahead and use Pegasus, but according to Wiki: "Sibu = God, translated from Costa Rican Bri-Bri Indian Tribe language". I am pretty sure when we named him, it was described as a Hindu god as well, so naming an animal that will be that large (and knowing it's eventual end) after Gods might not be a good idea.
I love seeing the little ones! And nothing wrong with a calf named Scrumpy!
3 calves in 24 hours?
Holy Cow!
*ducks and runs*
Reb - okay, if we have one that seems to be capable of flight (and some of those calves really fly around when they figure out how to run!) - that'll be Pegasus (Peggy?)
SB - and one will be Scrumpy, too!
Geosomin - you goof. Holy Cow was right!
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