There has finally been a new calf born on the ranch! She made her debut on Friday night around midnight, so the Bag Lady went out yesterday morning and took her picture (here she is, being checked out by some of the rest of the herd):
(please click on any of the pictures to enlarge)
It was cold and wet in the morning, but warmed up a little in the afternoon. Unfortunately, this is what everyone woke up to this morning:

When the Bag Lady made her customary trek out to the pasture to check the cows, she found the little calf doing the smartest thing possible under the circumstances - cuddling up to mom and filling her belly with nice, warm milk:

This is the cow's view of the ranch from their sheltered spot at the far west end, looking back toward the house (behind those far trees):

And this is what the Bag Lady's garden looked like this morning. Don't think she'll be able to plant anything for a little while yet:

Hope your weekend is going well!
Edited to add: the Bag Lady had another "first" this morning - there was a lynx in her yard! This is the first time she's ever seen one, and it was very exciting!
Welcome, little calf!
Go away, snow!
BG - Couldn't have said it better myself!
Congratulations on the new calf. Poor thing got treated to quite a cold welcome, though.
Love those snow pics.
dfLeah - thanks, cousin. Maybe this will be winter's last kick at the can. Or not.
Yuck to the snow.. aww to the calf and WOW about the lynx. Did you get photos?
Hilary - no, unfortunately, he was too far away. I even got a second chance when another came along (at least, we are pretty sure it was a different one - it looked smaller). I tried to get a video of it as it crossed the yard, but wasn't successful. Sigh.
The calves are so cute. You got a lot of snow, holy cow! (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Too bad you did get a photo of the lynx, but lucky you for seeing them.
Yes, the calves are cute, aren't they? And I tried to get a picture of the lynx, but they were too far away (right at the end of the driveway, almost on the road!) Sigh. Got a good look with the field glasses, though.
Another calf at last! I hope the lynx didn't think she was on the menu.
Haven't you exceeded your quota for snow?
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I am almost positive we have exceeded our snow quota, but someone needs to point that out to Mother Nature!
I am fairly confident that the calves are too big to be on the lynx's menu.... I hope!
OMG, a lynx! Actually, we saw lynx tracks in our yard for the first time here about a month ago. They must be looking for food. it's a good thing the old boy- our fox terrier wasn't out at the time. We are now letting him out about 2-3 times a night. cute calf!
What a lovely view that baby calf has!
But my goodness, more snow? Haven't you had quite enough of that by now?
Here's hoping spring arrives some time before its summer.
Ive never seen a lynx period until you linked!
Redbush- according to the article I linked to, the lynx migrate a bit every couple of decades - I wonder if that's what's happening now.
Seen any rabbits?
Crabby - thanks! I'm really hoping that will be the end of the snow. Really.
Miz - this is the first time I've seen one in real life. It was very exciting, but a little unsettling. I'm a lot more aware when I'm outside, especially with the dog, who thinks she is 10 feet tall and bullet (predator) proof!
Eeek. Snow again? And here I was a little bummed because our sunny weather changed to rain this morning.
Congrats on the new calf!! Does he/she have a name yet? And very exciting about the lynx! I've never seen one outside of a zoo.
JavaChick - it has all melted now, but there's apparently more in the forecast for today. Sigh. Oh well, we can always use the moisture.
Charlotte - Thanks. I'm not sure about names yet - any suggestions?
And seeing that lynx was absolutely the coolest way to start a new week!
(Um. The calf, not the snow. Here's wishing you a speedy thaw! :D)
Marste - thanks! The snow from yesterday is gone, but we are experiencing flurries again today.... sigh.
Wow! A lynx? That is awesome! All I get are bunnies, birds and squirrels! :)
Lucas - this is the first time I've seen one here in the 15 years I've been here! The Rancher remembers seeing them when he was young.
What can I say (again) but I love cows -- who doesn't? Except they are kind of stinky. But then, who isn't?
And Happy Birthday.
You can name this one after me.
POD - okay. I'll name it after you. Calf POD. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? :)
(Since a lot of my long-time readers have already had calves named after them, it must be your turn!)
No, I haven't seen any rabbits, Bag Lady, but I've seen the occasional track on the lease. Interesting info about the lynx migrating every few decades. Oh, and don't forget when a calf is born with my name on it, and, or a cute one, (haha) you can name it after me. There has to be a Redbush out there somewhere!
Golly, a lynx!!! Wow, you do live!
Melissa - yeah, never a dull moment out here on the ranch! :)
Great pics and good luck to the tiny calf.
Thanks, David!
Hooray for a new calf! Will you be naming them after bloggers again this year? ;)
Snow, snow go away!! It's spring!!
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