One thing did happen when she was outside this morning. Four trumpeter swans flew over! The Bag Lady struggled with getting her gloves off, dragging her camera out of her pocket, waited for it to turn on properly, then whipped it up and took a video..............of a grey and dismal sky, in which you cannot see the damned swans. Sigh. She has seen more swans in the past 10 days than she has in the 14 previous years of living on this ranch. Of course, she can't prove that, because of her prowess in photographing the empty sky they just flew across.
She hopes everyone enjoyed her little Canadiana quiz this week. She is thinking that perhaps she will do another one sometime soon. But she's going to try to make it a little more difficult.
In the meantime, if you like quizzes, Missicat has posted an Americana quiz on her blog, so whip on over there and see how you do!
And here are a couple pictures the Bag Lady has taken this week. This was a couple mornings ago - it had rained a little overnight, then froze:

And here is the sunrise this morning.....

Have a great weekend!
So pretty. What a treat to see all those swans! I'm still waiting to see a robin... but it's nice to have the Canadian geese around again :)
Gorgeous sunrise! I awoke to snow this morning. In Denver, CO. In APRIL! Unbelievable. Vee at
Beautiful pictures.
I can hardly wait for more baby cows.
Love the ice on the pussywillows. Well done. And another gorgeous sunrise.
I think by now those Trumpeters are just playing with you.
Oh, this is so pretty. Almost makes me want to move. (But then I think about the cold, and I change my mind. I like the pictures better!)
Beautiful photos Sis. Love the ice on the poor pussy willows. Sunrises that colour are so lovely!, You will have to go out and wait for the swans some morning ;)
Fabulous photos, Bag Lady! It's so difficult to get those birds to do a fly by, isn't it? I'm always too late, too! Darn!
Sagan - I only wish I could capture some on film to share with everyone! I have heard robins, but haven't actually seen any yet, although the Rancher saw one the other day.
Vee - thanks! Sorry to hear about your snow....try to remind yourself that it's good moisture for the plants (although that's not much consolation when you're slogging through the damned stuff, is it?!)
POD - Thanks! I go out 3 or 4 times every day, looking for more baby cows. Soon, I hope!
Thanks, cousin. It is starting to feel like a conspiracy... who knew that swans were so vindictive?!
Marste - aww, c'mon - it's not THAT cold! Unless, of course, you're accustomed to perfect weather all the time.... like you get in, say, California! :)
(The cold, dark winters make us appreciate the long, warm summer days more!)
Reb - thanks! I'm pretty sure that if I sat outside and waited for the swans to fly over, I'd never see another one! :)
Thanks, Redbush (we were posting at the same time) - if only I had looked up a little sooner.... might have noticed them in time to snap a picture! They were totally silent - couldn't even hear their wings flapping (which, sometimes, I can hear, especially with geese.)
I've never seen swans in the wild! Now, all those geese come right through my town twice a year. It's always a hoot to see traffic stopping on a major thoroughfare to let the geese and goslings cross the road.
Wow - the colors in that sunrise are just incredible!! And congrats on seeing the swans. I can't remember the last time I saw a real live swan...
WOW, what a sunrise!
I had my husband and 2 of my kids take your quiz. My husband got 6 out of 10 correct, and the kids had 4-6 correct (one would have gotten even more credit, but he looked at his planner before taking the quiz, so I couldn't give him full credit... he CLAIMS he already knew the capital city, but how do we really know in retrospect?)
I thought your quiz was plenty tough! But then, I'm an American...
What a sunrise for your collection!
Swans? Vindictive? Nooo. When they run at you hissing and flapping their wings they're just saying hello.
; )
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Gena - the house I grew up in was right across the street from what was originally the town reservoir - Trumpeter Swans nested there every year, so we used to watch them from our kitchen table! It was so cool!
Charlotte - we get some fantastic sunrises around here, but pretty soon even I won't be up early enough to see them!
kcinnova - I'm so pleased to hear that your family took the quiz and did quite well! Better start studying for the next one! :)
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I was actually bitten by a swan many years ago! Little monster! :)
Lovely photographs.
Thanks, Georgie, and thanks for stopping by.
Beautiful pictures. I need a smaller camera I can whip out of my pocket. I have a huge one. Ugh
Have a great weekend
Maggie - those bigger cameras take great pictures, but I like the convenience of being able to stick my little camera in my pocket. Need practice in the "whipping-it-out-of-said-pocket" department though - as evidenced by the empty sky pictures I've been taking, instead of skies filled with lovely swans in flight! Sigh.
I have to point out that I failed YOURS miserably I did pass Missicats. So I feel a litttttle better about my knowledge :)
Have a great weekend.!
Miz - glad to hear you did well on Missicat's quiz!
I think I did okay on it, too! :)
Just came back to tell you that this afternoon I drove by the calves in the play-yard again--this week they have moved behind the back yard into a new wire fence with metal posts. Good to know they won't be roaming the countryside, and the play equipment hadn't collapsed under a ton of hay.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I'm a little disappointed - I was quite amused at the idea of a playground for calves!
Oh .. love the iced pussy willows.. just beautiful. They appear to be at the same stage around here too, though we've been considerably warmer... in the high teens/low twenties the past few days. T-shirt weather! Lovely sunset too. :)
Thanks, Hilary. I couldn't resist taking a picture of that ice-covered pussy willow!
Our snow is almost all gone, and the temps are slowly warming up! Yippee!
Pretty pics as always BL!!
How's your back treatin' ya?
Thanks, Rupal. The back is slowly improving.... another physio appt. next week!
Love the photos.
And you're going to make the next quiz HARDER!!??
I already missed quite a few.
Hope the cows were busy over the weekend and that you have some new arrivals!
Crabby - Thanks! Yup, the next quiz will have to be harder - this one was too easy....
No new calves yet, but it was a busy weekend.... I'm still in recovery mode! :)
Fabulous sunrise, Baggie.
Hey - am I back just in time for calving? Yay!! I enjoyed last season. I still have photos of Saffron and Dawn on the wall beside the computer.
Dawn - hello!! Good to see you back.
It IS calving season, but we're off to a slow start - only one calf so far. Now that you're back, though, I'm sure the cows will start producing for us! :)
Gorgeous snaps BL! Thanks for posting them.
Thanks, Lucas! Glad you liked them.
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