The Bag Lady couldn't take a comparison shot of the dugout itself because the snow was still too deep to get there!
The geese are back, though, and there is some open water here and there for them. On three separate occasions, Trumpeter Swans were spotted flying over the ranch on the weekend, but each time, the Bag Lady didn't have her camera ready! This was the only picture she managed to get - just as they flew behind the trees in the bottom left of the picture: (click to enlarge and see if you can find them in the tops of the trees...)

Trumpeter Swans nest in this area, but it is very rare to see them, and the Bag Lady is disappointed that she wasn't quick enough to get pictures for you. She will probably not see any more of them, but if she does, she will try harder to photograph them!
Seems like the snow just doesn't want to go away this year, doesn't it?
Don't fret the swans because everything else came out perfecto!
Saw some splotches of white but I suspect that's light as opposed to swan. Thanks for trying.
Good idea with the comparison pics. We've got some fresh white stuff, too. You are not alone.
At least its warming up now!!
Loving these pics!
Wow.. every time I think we're behind schedule for spring, you come along and show how much farther behind you are. Lovely shots though, as always. :) We saw the Great Blue Heron do a flyby yesterday. That was the first time we'd seen him around his home creek since November 30. Spring HAS begun!
JavaChick - you are so right! It snowed again yesterday.
David - thanks so much! I just really wanted to capture a picture of the swans because they are so gorgeous!
dfLeah - It took me so long to fumble the camera out of my pocket and wait for it to turn on.... oh well.
Rupal - that's true - there's always a bright side!
Hilary - it's a slow spring everywhere, I think. Could be worse - could be flooding....
I've got spring pics for you over at my place, just in case you need more hope that the winter WILL end!
Now I am ready to listen to "The Trumpet of the Swan" again. I love the audio book version! :)
Congrats on the new calf! So cute! And we had sort of the opposite as you.....last year on Easter we had 2 feet of fresh snow, this year we went for a walk with only light jackets! Love it! Hope you get your thaw soon.
No, I can't see any swans, but I doubt I could in real life without binoculars.
My Inner Pessimist says "There will be flooding." Luckily I'm on a ridge.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Wow...I thought it seemed snowier here too...it's not just me :)
I still ahven't gone out for a run yet as there's still ice on the paths.
At least we had a rainstorm last night and not snow...I actually went out without a hat or gloves yesterday. It's finally warming up :)
Beautiful photos Sis, but alas I can`t find Waldo! Other than the plough piles and shaded areas, the snow was all gone around the neighbourhood - that is until last night when the rain turned to snow. There is at least an inch out there and still falling.
Pretty picture even without the swans! I think I saw a black swan this past weekend. Or maybe it was just a big duck. Didn't have my camera with me unfortunately!
Wow! What a difference a year makes, for sure! I think I spotted a few spots above the trees on the left that didn't look like part of the trees. You're lucky to have trumpeters so close to your place! We never do. Nice sunrise!
kcinnova - thanks - your pictures are lovely!
Lucas - thanks. We are having a lovely day today, so the snow is melting like mad! Yippee!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I'm glad you are on a ridge, too. Is it a blue ridge? (Aren't the Blue Ridge Mountains in Kentucky, or is my lack of geographical knowledge showing?)
Geo - it warmed up here very nicely today, too. And is supposed to stay warm for the next few days.
Reb - hopefully the warm weather that we are having will sneak on down to your area, too!
Missicat - a black swan! Cool. But you sound like me - whenever I see something really unusual that I would like to photograph, I either don't have my camera or can't get to it in time! Sigh.
Redbush - thanks. I wish the camera didn't take so long to turn on - I would have loved to have a picture of the swans. We don't see them very often at all!
I looked at the photo twice and found this photo of a trumpeter swan in it's nest. You are some photographer!
Does this one work?
POD - they both worked - thanks! I love swans - they are so beautiful.
Excellent photo taken by The Bag Lady
You are much more talented than I when it comes to linking!! And I am a hella photographer, eh?
We're about normal here for cold vs warm. If we get another cold front though, I'll start to wonder.
I'm sorry you're still having to deal with snow, though. So is my father in New Mexico. It ruined his apricots.
Blue Ridge? Now that blogger will finally load the comment page I can tell you that Kentucky has not been part of Virginia since 1792. My father used to sing this song a lot: "In the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, on the trail of the lonesome pine" which some famous radio person of the thirties used as a theme song.
My ridge is not blue, but green, and getting greener all the time.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
BG - sorry to hear about your father's apricots! Sounds like this cold weather is affecting a lot of us!
Mary Anne in Kentucky (where the grass is apparently blue, not the ridges.....) - Guess I shouldn't have tried to be a smart ass in my last comment without doing a little fact-checking first. Kentucky bluegrass is what I was thinking of! Sigh.
Oh, and Mary Anne? "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" was a song that Laurel and Hardy used to sing....
ok Im on a brain tangent not but remember that young adult book Trumpet of the Swans?
Is that what it's called?
off to find it.
we :) must reread.
Carla - I'm afraid I don't remember the book. Perhaps I should find it and read it, too!
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