Yes, the Bag Lady won a case of Popchips. They were shipped to her via FedEx, but FedEx wanted an actual physical address, complete with street numbers and such (and the Bag Lady has no such thing - FedEx wouldn't write down "turn left at the big swamp, then take a right at the spruce tree"....), so the Bag Lady had them shipped to her sister-in-law's office in town. The Bag Lady went to town the other day and this is what she saw:

When she opened the box, this is what she found:

And when she opened the second box, she found these:

She also discovered that the Customs people (suspicious natures that they have) had to make sure that this wasn't some new and clever way to smuggle contraband into the country, and this is how she knows:

The Bag Lady has tried a couple of different flavours and, kind-hearted soul that she is, has even shared some with the Rancher. They are all that they claim to be - light, crispy, not greasy and very good.
So thank you, Mizfit, and thank you to the Popchip company for these delicious treats!
Have a great weekend!
Did they actually slice open a bag! The nerve! With all the crazies and the things people do randomly to food and the horrible seals that have to be on bottles and stuff....I would write and complain.
Now, to the really burning they have MSG and are they available in Canada?
The Toddler is totally jealous.
They look good. If I ever run across them in my travels I'll try them. To be fair I'll have to try them in assorted flavours. Y'know, the interest of science'n'all.
You have such a way with words. I doubt many people could write a story about chips that would make me smile. :)
Why do I think the customs office has a lottery to decide who gets to inspect food packages? :-)
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Holy crap! They actually OPENED a bag? Well, there goes you and MizFit's junk food ring;) Sheesh. Glad you like them!
Yay! I never am lucky. :-(
Can't believe someone went through a bag of chips then put them back. Are your inspectors all five year olds?
Will have answers up for my quiz today!
They actually opened the bag? Wow. I think someone at the customs office just wanted a snack...
Congrats on the win though!
Reb - yup, one of the bags was taped shut with customs tape.
As far as I can tell, there is no MSG in them (although they do have an allergen warning for soy). I think they are available in Canada... might be able to tell you.
Miz - I would share with the toddler if it wasn't such a long distance. :)
dfLeah - in the interests of science, of course! I have tried the salt and pepper flavour, and the barbeque flavour - both really good!
SB - aw, thanks! Glad I made you smile.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I think you are probably right. I guess I should count myself lucky that they only opened one bag, right?
Charlotte - dang it all, caught in our first attempt! :)
Missicat - I was more than a little surprised, to tell the truth! (both about winning, AND about customs opening the bag!) I'll be over to check out how badly I did on your quiz.
JavaChick - You're probably right - someone was hungry! Hope they enjoyed them as much as I do! :)
Aw-free chips in the mail?
Nice :)
I can't belive they opened up a bag and then taped it up again...
What was the best flavour?
Geo - I haven't tried them all yet, but so far, they've all been good. Even the barbeque flavour, which (in chips, at least) is not a favourite of mine!
They actually opened one of the bags? I wonder if the customs guy ate some? Hopefully he had an allergic reaction.
When Chris came back from Italy with his Easter goodies, Customs had smashed all the chocolate eggs and opened a clear plastic bag of pasta. I think the customs agent was blind. He had to smash the eggs to ensure that Chris had not brought back any little old Italian men inside of them to work as maids inside our lavish mansions.
It's funny what catches the eye of one of those watchdog-type folks. I once watched airport security swab down a jar of blueberry jelly I was trying to take home from Maine.
I know some foods are hazardous to the waistline, but enough is enough!
Maybe popchips is slang for some kind of drugs? (oooh, we could start a rumor!)
Those sound yummy, I will have to be on the lookout for them.
And dang-it-all, now I've got this unwelcome image in my head of the Bag Lady getting lucky!
Yay for Bag Lady!
I won a set of DVDs on MizFit! They're nice, but they are not very tasty.
POD - Well, if Chris was smuggling little Italian guys to work as maids - where's mine? ('cause Lord knows, I could use a maid!) :)
BG - I didn't know blueberry jelly was on the list of banned substances! Thanks for pointing that out.
kcinnova - I'm sorry about that unwanted mental image.... just bang your head on the desk a couple times - that should shake it loose!
Melissa - I was quite thrilled to win something! And they are very tasty!
Ooh lucky you! Popchips sound so delicious. Haven't seen them around the stores but maybe I just haven't looked hard enough yet. Must do that!
And I guess the customs people were a little hungry.
Sagan - I haven't seen them in the stores yet, either, so I'm really glad I got a chance to try them! They are very good. (dratted Customs people - wasted a whole bag! Sheesh!)
OOOOOO! Those chips look delicious! I can just taste them! No, I wouldn't eat them after someone pawed through them either! Have a great snacking weekend!
Thanks, Redbush - hope you have a great weekend, too!
Wish someone would send me edible substances through the mail. A cream filled apple donut would be nice!
You know those customs people.. they read things so fast that they make mistakes. They thought you had pot chips. ;) Congrats. :)
Dawn - it really was lovely to receive edibles through the mail! :)
Hilary - you're probably right! (snicker)
Cool! It's neat to know somebody that won something! But if the folks down at Customs were that hungry, why didn't they just stop by a convenient drive through and Supersize a Happy Meal or something?
Amy - they must have been as curious as I was as to how these tasted! :)
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