These are from the Bag Lady's files - she sees so many wonderful sunrises and sunsets, living in the country, and has a compulsion to photograph all of them! She manages not to do that, but sometimes she can't help herself! Here is a sunrise from last autumn:
And a mid-winter sunset:
Do you get to see sunrises and sunsets where you live?
At my home in the country (where I grew up) we get some beautiful sunsets. It's not quite the same living in the city - even when you live in the 'burbs like I do.
And I'm sure the sunrises are beautiful too but I never saw those...Have I mentioned I'm not a morning person?
JavaChick - I couldn't see the sunsets very well when I lived in town, and was usually too busy getting ready for work to pay much attention to the sunrises, so I am enthralled now!
When I was a little kid, we all used to sit out on the step and watch the sunsets. Great memories.
Beautiful pics! Esp. the sunrise. And my kids make darn sure no one in our household misses a sunrise;)
Theft is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks for the shout out, df Bag Lady.
I love sunup and sundown. They're about my favorite times of day. The shot though the woods where it looks like the trees are on fire are my faves of yours, but the pink skies of winter are so wonderful.
I can watch them here, but I do wish I lived out in the country instead of the edge of town.
Charlotte - so kids are good for something, right? :) Actually, when I was a kid, I'd get up really early and sneak out of the house to sit on the step and watch the sunrise. Loved it then, and still do!
dfLeah - you're welcome! And thanks for the compliment! I'm really glad I live where I do.
Many beauties.. some almost as nice as yours.
When will you know about your contest entry?
Yes...I can sit and watch the sun rise over the river...I love it :)
I used to be the one watching sunrises after bgin up all I see them in the mornings when I get up and run.
I'm getting old...
We get some great sunrises and sunsets here, but not a grand as out in the open area.
Beautiful!! I hope to get a good sunset pic soon. Usually we are inside at those times.......little ones and all! Yours are gorgeous!!
Hilary - thanks! The contest opens for voting on Saturday, and closes on April 25th. Won't know the results until the 29th.
Geo - I've seen my fair share of sunrises from the wrong side, too, but it's been a few years since I stayed up all night! Old? NO! Just a wee bit more sensible! :)
Tom - That's the great thing about living in the country - it's just so much easier to see the beautiful skies!
Annette - thanks! I'm sure the kids keep you too busy to be staring at the skies.... You'll have to take them all outside at sunset and teach them to appreciate the beauty of nature! If you can get them to stop playing long enough to look, that is!:)
I was watching the news yesterday morning and they showed an amazing deep red sunrise. I looked out my window and saw nothing like it. We have some beautiful sunsets here over the mountain, especially when it's misting out. Which hasn't been recently. Vee at
Gorgeous! One of my favorite parts about living in Manitoba is the amazing sunrises and sunsets. I really missed the big prairie sky when I lived overseas...
Vee - sunsets and misty mountains - sounds fabulous!
Sagan - that is definitely one of the advantages of living on the prairie - the wide open skies allow us to get a fabulous view of sunrises and sunsets!
I get to see beautiful sunrises but not so many sunsets because I am on the eastern side of the mountain. And I am always tempted to take pictures and have on occasion but I just got a new camera finally and now I'm going to take more and more pictures and drive people insane with picture taking.
Or that's my immediate plan anyway.
Thanks for your comment about my fat cat. We miss her terribly even if she was a pain in the ass.
POD - I have taken so many sunrise pictures, it's become embarrassing! They are always different, and always gorgeous!
Have fun with your new camera!
Our sunsets and sunrise is nothing in comparison to what you see. These pictures are beautiful and I could see these framed and on someones wall.
Thanks, Maggie! I love the sunrises and sunsets that we get to see around here - I could wallpaper my house with the pictures I've taken! :)
Beautiful Sis! My sunrises are fairly unimpeded by there is too much city for really good sunsets near me.
I love your sunrise and sunset pictures.
The best ones I have personally seen were when we lived in El Paso, Texas. That was also the place where I saw The Best harvest moon (October full moon).
Here I see beautiful sunrises on the big city news, but it is never as beautiful out where I am. Perhaps if I was downtown by all the memorials it would be prettier?
They're never quite the same in the city, but everyone should see a sunrise gleaming off glass towers at least once in their lives. It's a different sort of magic.
Reb - thanks! I'm lucky that I have such a great unimpeded view of both sunrises and sunsets!
kcinnova - Thanks! We see some great harvest moons around here, too. There's something about the wide open prairie that makes the moon seem so much bigger!
BG - you have a point - the sun gleaming off all that glass would be pretty. But I still prefer the wide open spaces. :)
[Let's see what happens. This morning the comment form wouldn't even load.]
My first city sunrises and sunsets were interesting. When I went off to college my room had always faced east--first south east and then north east--and the sun never woke me up. My efficiency apartment in the city faced west, and the absence of sunrise would wake me, although I'd go back to sleep if it wasn't time to get up. The bathroom faced south onto the blank wall of the building next door, and both sunrise and sunset were displayed there as pink and orange light on white brick.
SO grateful to be surrounded by trees now.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - when I lived in a different city, I lived in an apartment that faced west. Never got to see much of the sunset, though, because of the buildings in the way.
Sure glad I live where I live now, though, so I can appreciate both the sunrises and sunsets!
There are some extremely beautiful cloud formations in Arizona. We also get quite a variety of colors in our sunsets. The mountains block my sunrises unless I drive a long way. they are usually pretty sedate by the time the sun gets over the mountain range.
Pout Lips - There are days (like today!) when I would be willing to trade a spectacular sunrise for some nice, dry heat..... :)
Gorgeous photos, Bag Lady! I especially like the sunrise! I love painting them when I get a good photo! If I got up as early as you do, I could get a lot more of them. I'll have to start doing that after seeing yours! Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Redbush! I can definitely supply you with lots of subjects for your painting..... sunrises galore!
Unfortunately, the concrete jungle blocks my views of the beautiful sun :( But I get to see many on my travels abroad, thankfully.
Thanks for sharing, these images are beautiful BL!
Thanks, Rupal! I'm glad to that you get to see the sun in your travels!
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