Spring has arrived on the Bag Lady's ranch. Here is the first calf of the season, about an hour old:

Being the first calf of the year, he is getting lots of attention from all the cows - here he is, being scrutinized by one of the other cows while his mother watches closely:

The weather was very cooperative yesterday - warm and sunny - which gave this little guy a good start in life!
Awwwwwwwww it IS spring! I'll try not to think about next year's trip to the auction... ;)
Congratulations on the first calf of spring.
Hilary - good idea - that's what I do, too! :)
dfLeah - thanks! He's a nice calf.
Welcome to the world, little calf!
Thanks, Bunnygirl!
First calf congratulations!
(I saw some weanling Holstein steers yesterday. I did not pull into a stranger's drive and use my horrible phone camera, but they were in a chain-link fenced back yard, where the playground equipment had been repurposed to hold hay up off the ground. Incredibly funny.)
Mary Anne in Kentucky
What a sweetie....definite sign of spring!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I'm disappointed that you didn't take a picture, but completely understand!
That's too funny!
Reb - he is cute, isn't he? Yup, spring seems to be here.
Aw lookie the little guy!!!
We were out on the burren today and there were calves and lambs everywhere - definitely spring!
Christine - Yay! Spring! I love seeing the calves in the spring, and lambs would be adorable, too.
Love to watch the interaction of the cows and calves..first calf on the ground how exciting!!..thank you for visiting my blog!
OneCowgirl - nice to see you here! And it is exciting to finally be calving! Sometimes the wait for the first one is excruciating. But sometimes the wait for the last one is worse! :)
A lovely Easter gift!
Are you going to name him "Chocolate Bunny"? ;)
kcinnova - that sorta suits him, doesn't it? :)
Awww! And I love "chocolate bunny" - even if it might inspire some species confusion it's still totally adorable!
YAY for spring
LOVE for the new calf
TREATS for the BL up at my place
it's shaping up to be a great week!
What a lovely Easter present! Happy Birthday, little calf!
Charlotte - it is kinda cute, isn't it? And so is the calf!
Miz - thanks! I won? Way cool!!!!
Crabby - Thanks - it's a relief to finally have the calving underway.
Yay little calf!! Is he named yet?
Missicat - not really, although kcinnova suggested "Chocolate Bunny" -- the way that calf was bouncing around, playing, out in the pasture this morning, it actually kinda suits him!
Moo - I love cows.
POD - me too, moo....
Aww hurray! Already calving season? Seems like just yesterday that last years calves were being born :)
Sagan - I know, I know! (Actually, it's been 5 months and 6 days since the last of last year's calves was born!)
(I begin an inordinately large number of my comments on your blog with "AWWWWW!!!") (In this case, that's all I have to say.)
Melissa - is it because of the cuteness on my blog?
Gorgeous little fellow, I'm sure! I'll bet the little guy got a great start yesterday. I hope today's weather doesn't phase him. Brrrrr!
Redbush - he was shivering when it rained and snowed on him, but he huddled up under his mom and drank some warm milk!
Yay! Boring and repetitive, I know, but I can't help it. Yay! Calves!
Clare - not boring and repetitive at all!
Definitely spring.
Cute little guy :)
Thanks, Geo!
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