It rained all day, too, which didn't help.
Today is sunny, and she is feeling a little better, so she'll get off her rather ample butt and do something worthy of blogging about! She will go to some of the local greenhouses and try to find some tomato plants to replace hers, and perhaps see if there's anything else of interest.
In the meantime, here's a (slightly blurry) photo of a wild rose, Alberta's provincial flower.
They are just starting to bloom, and grow everywhere, so the bush and roadsides smell very pretty now.
Enjoy the sun Bag Lady and I hope you find some tomato plants.
sorry it was a bad day.
here's to today being better.
so it is typed.
so it shall be :)
I must get out and see the wild roses. Thanks for the pic.
Best of luck with the tomato plants.
I'll think good thoughts for your quest.
Thanks, Javachick! I hope so too, or there will be no salsa this winter and the Bag Lady will be very cranky!
Mizfit - thanks for decreeing a better day for me!!! It's working already!
dfLeah - They just started a couple days ago and smell heavenly!
Thanks for the good thoughts.
Sorry about your bad day...frost in June? wow....
We have had four-five days of 100+ weather here. :-(
It sounds like yesterday was a craptastic (my new favorite made up word) day for the both of us. I hope your day is bright and sunny today! Good luck finding new plants; I'd send you mine, but I only have 4 : )
Missicat - we can have frost in any month. Sigh. On the other hand, we rarely (hardly ever!) have triple-digit temps, which suits me just fine, thankyouverymuch!
Emily - good word! Yesterday was definitely craptastic, so I hope today is better.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm sure I'll find some somewhere.
Just discovered I also lost my grapevine. Sigh.
df Bag Lady,
The grapevine too? Rats, I say!
It is terrible to have a garden come along so nicely and then to just have nature do her magic and muck it all up. I hope the rest of the warm weather days stay warm.
I hope you find some tomatoes to green up the place again...salsa is not something that can be done without :)
Maybe you could ask the cowboy to build you a little greenehouse?
Love the wild roses. I hope you're feeling better! I'm sure that your tomato plant mission will be a success.
I always get upset when something happens to my plants. I tend to treat them more like pets than plants and I hate to see them in trouble!
dfTerrie - damned frost! Poor little grapevine was coming along, too.
Geosomin - thanks. I feel that way about salsa, too! Unfortunately, if anything gets built around here that isn't cattle-related, it's up to me!
Sagan - I love the roses, too, except when I need to do some fencing! Then they are nothing but a pain in the butt (and the hands, and the legs...)
SB - I'm the same way about my plants! Had a day of mourning for them yesterday.....
Glad you have sun today Sis. I am sure you will find lots of plants to replace your tomatoes with.
I'm thinking green for you, Baggie. I hope you'll find what you need. Wild roses sure are lovely. They grow in the park nearby and they do smell great.
That sucks about the tomatoes. I hope you can find more because there's nothing like a good home-grown tomato!
I feel your tomato pain -- the sweltering heat of the past couple days in my area pretty much cooked mine. Ah well, off to Agway I go.
Reb - we're probably in for a thunderstorm later...and you know how much I love those!
Hilary - thanks! I love the smell of the wild roses, too.
BG - and making salsa and pizza sauce with the homegrown tomatoes - there's just nothing like it!
Haley - sounds like you're at the opposite end of the extreme weather! Hope you can find more tomato plants.
I just got back from a trip to a couple greenhouses, and found not only some very nice tomato plants (on sale, no less!) but also some pepper plants and a couple more geraniums (also on sale!) so things will be okay.
I don't have a garden (but I really want one). I know I would be a wreck if mine got ruined. I would probably become way too attached to it in some unhealthy manner. This happened when I tried to do the Chia Garden and the Captain put them in the sun when I was travelling and they all died. I cried.
Good luck with the new garden plan. Hope your day is better.
Oh, I hope you found some lovely tomato plants that will produce an abundance of sweet, juicy tomatoes! :)
At least the wild roses are filling the air with sweetness.
POM - oh, we are alike! I cried almost all day yesterday!
I'm better today though - have some nice tomato plants (some I'm putting in pots on the deck, just in case!) and far too many pepper plants!
Habanero's anyone?
Susan - thanks! I did find some with blossoms on them, and more that aren't quite that far along.
And yes, the roses smell wonderful, which helps improve the mood!
Sorry about your tomatoes. :( The flower is beautiful. Good luck with your next planting of tomatoes!!
Thanks, Maggie! Hopefully, that was the last frost we'll get until sometime in late September. (wishful thinking!!)
Oh, it's heartbreaking to lose the garden!
Mama Zen - it certainly was! Luckily, I managed to find replacement tomatoes, and the potatoes seem to be coming back a little...
Thanks for stopping by!
We had an early heat wave in Houston and I lost several flowering annuals so I can totally sympathize over plant devastation.
I already sneaked a peek at your latest post and I know things will brighten up. :)
EWBL - I never gave much thought to the other end of the temperature gauge doing the same kind of damage, but it can be just as devastating, eh? Sorry to hear you lost plants, too!
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