Tiny little peppers are starting to show on her pepper plants:
She doesn't have much to tell you today. She hasn't been paying much attention to the outside world, so can't even think of anything to rant about!
She did watch part of the news last night, and feels very lucky to live where she does, because the rest of the world seems to be suffering from a variety of catastrophes - fires and floods, pestilence and disease. Oh, dear, that doesn't sound good, does it?
But her little corner of the world is pretty quiet right now, and that's just fine with her! Well, except for the dust-devil that blew through on Saturday, knocking over and smashing a window she had propped up on her deck. There were three dust-devils that she witnessed going through the yard, and may very well have been more. One of them picked up the dog's frisbee and carried it all the way across the yard! The Princess was more than a little surprised when her frisbee flew away all by itself...she decided it was time to go to the house! But after seeing the fires in California and flooding elsewhere, the Bag Lady considers one smashed window and a frisbee blowing across the yard is pretty minor.
What's happening in your corner of the world?
Love your pictures! (Coming from someone who can never even remember what those tiny little picture settings on the camera ARE, so I have to leave it on the basic setting all the time!)
Our corner of the world is very pleasant right now. A little on the humid side, but it's been mild and pretty and we've had a film festival in town. Great movies and awesome people-watching.
potty training.
although frazzling it's no hurricane (she doesnt drink that much) or earthquake (no matter how big the tantrums feel)
and Im thankful for the mundane here as well!
Nice shots, Baggie. I expect those peppers will work their way into some salsa?
I'm glad Princess wasn't attached to the frisbee at the time. ;)
You're doing fine with the photos.
Our corner of the world was wet yesterday and on the cool side. Absolutely nothing to complain about here.
My Dust Devils live inside my house. At least they've signed a truce to co-exist peacefully with the tribe of Dust Bunnies. :)
In Houston we're doing what we do every years at this time.....SWEAT, SWEAT, and then SWEAT some more!
Crabby - thanks! I always seem to have it on the wrong setting, no matter what. Sigh. And your corner of the world sounds great!
Mizfit - sometimes mundane is best! Good luck with the potty training.
Hilary - with luck, (and barring any more frost!) the peppers and tomatoes will make very nice salsa.
dfLeah - Thanks! And damp and cool is preferable to washing away anyday!
EWBL - one hopes that its's a life-time treaty between the devils and the bunnies! And sweating, one supposes, is normal for the time of year!
I love your jungle. And it IS really really sad about all of the terrible things going on around the world.
My corner is pretty quiet too- quiet, pretty hot, and mostly peaceful. It's a good little corner.
Sagan - my "jungle" is a honeysuckle clematis, and it is threatening to take over the world! I'm going to have to trim it before it grabs someone by the ankle when they use the stairs! It could suck a small child into that maze and we might never see said child again!!
Glad your corner is a good one!
Peppers! I love it...very nice! :)
Thanks, Mark!
your photos rock woman.
Thanks, Fitarella!
I love that dark Iris! Oh, okay, feeding the clematis small children, is that how it got so big in the first place? ;0
It rained here yesterday, which was a bit of relief, but yes, I too am grateful we don't have the extreme weather and such that is going on elsewhere.
Great photos! We had pretty nice weather this weekend during the day so I did get to sit by the pool a bit. We have been experiencing thunderstorms at night, which send poor, scared Bad Cat under the bed. :-(
Reb - not so sure about the small children, but the cats seem to think there are warm-blooded bodies in there....
And I love that iris, too - think the name is something to do with Midnight, but can't remember, and, of course, didn't write it down. Sigh.
Missicat - sitting by the pool sounds like a wonderful way to spend some time! And poor, scared Princess dog would be right there with Bad Cat!! Thunder is not big on her list, either.
The color of that iris is gorgeous!
SB - it is, isn't it? Almost black.
(Wait until you see the lilies blooming!!)
No storms in the Gulf, and that's what we worry about around here this time of year. :-)
BG - glad to hear you are storm-free right now!
It is dry and windy here, and apparently there is a forest fire to the west of us....
Hey Bag Lady (and others here) - do you mind if I link to you on my blog? Still a newbie here in blogland so not sure of the procedure/etiquette, etc. Of course, have to figure out how to do it also....
Missicat - I'd be delighted to be on your blog-roll!! Thanks for asking.
Thanks! Don't suppose the rest of the Bag Lady family would mind? :-)
I'm sure they'd be thrilled as well!
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