Here is what it looked like today:
There was a frost last night which really wreaked havoc on the Bag Lady's potatoes. Sigh. She is hopeful they will survive, but knows that even if they do, this will probably set them back. If they don't, there is still time to plant more, if she can find seed potatoes somewhere. So she will keep an eye on them and if they don't seem to be doing much, she will be looking for seed potatoes.
Sometimes her procrastination pays off. She had not yet planted her annuals in the pots that she puts out, so at least they didn't freeze! Her tomatoes got touched a little, but were protected by being close to the house. She will keep an eye on them, too.
That's the price you pay for living in this gorgeous north country! We do have good weather, too, you understand.
There is light until almost midnight now, and the sun comes up really early. It's been a few years since the Bag Lady stayed up all night, so she's not exactly sure what time the sun comes up. She is thinking that in the interests of accuracy, she may just have to stay up all night at the equinox, just so she doesn't mis-inform all of you! Of course, she may need some assistance, so if anyone is interested in staying up all night, drinking beer (or the beverage of one's choice) around the firepit, you are more than welcome to join her! All in the interests of accurate reporting, you understand!
Now here is something for the little kid in all of us:
Tadpoles. I haven't seen those little guys in more than 15 years. Thanks.
Shame about the spuds, but they might be okay. I think it's a good idea to have some seed potatoes waiting on standby.
Aw, that's a shame about your potato plants. I hope they bounce back, all that planting is a lot of work.
Love the tadpoles - haven't seen any in years!
Glad you both enjoyed the tadpoles! I hadn't seen any in many years, either!
And the potatoes probably will be okay, but most of my tomatoes (at least 17 plants!!!) are probably history....sob.
I cant wrap my brain around the fact youre getting frost and Im sweating like a mo' fo'
Aw poor potatoes. But tadpoles are awesome!
Wow...that's a LOT of tadpoles.
Too bad about your potatoes and tomatoes...the weather is so wierd this time of year...I want to start a herb garden but I don't want them to get frosted out -
I just put some flowers out so I figure that means it will frost now :)
I love tadpoles! We have a lot of frogs around here. I was planting some window boxes in the backyard a few weeks ago. Reached into the plastic container for what I thought was soil and picked up a very dirty frog instead. I nearly had a heart attack. I guess he decided he wanted to move off of the farm. :)
df Baglady,
I don't think I've seen tadpoles in nearly fifty years. Gotta find some to show the grandkids!
Random story: We had a creek in my yard as a kid growing up. Most years we would find the taddy poles and put them in a fish tank so we could watch them change...looking back, all I remember is how nasty the tank smelled. I guess it's better to leave some pets outside!
I'd hate to see all that planting go to waste. It's hard to believe I struggling with a drought down here trying to take my precious veggies!
Miz - we have such a great variance of temps here - a few days ago we were sweltering in 80F heat. Sigh.
Sagan - glad you enjoyed the tadpoles.
Geosomin - that was only a small portion of the tadpoles - I couldn't believe how many there were!
And I know what you mean about putting plants out and having it freeze not long after. Damnit!
SB - I would have had the same reaction! It's the unexpected part that would have freaked me out.
dfTerrie - hope you can find some to show the grandkids - otherwise, you'll have to use my blog!
Emily - I'm wondering how many of those little taddys will grow up... We'll be inundated with frogs!
Hope you get some rain for your garden soon!
This has been kind of a weird weather year so far. Too bad about the spuds and tomatoes. Love the tadpoles video.
Yup - strange weather everywhere!
Oh no! Not the tomatoes! That would break my heart...Tomatoes are a staple food group for me. Yes, I am giving them their very own group. Cannot live without them.
Oh, yes, Javachick! As soon as I realized it had actually been that cold, I watered them, because that is supposed to help. It didn't.
I lost at least 17 plants. Actually made me cry. And I've been cranky ever since.
Oh, the tomatoes! That's really a bummer. Home grown tomatoes are absolutely delicious. Is it too late to grow more?
Hi, Susan - it's too late to grow more from seed, but I'm going to check the local greenhouses to see if they have any left.
Save me a seat by the firepit, okay? haven't stayed out all night in years but sounds like the company would be worth it!
And handsome cowboy, btw, thanks for posting a picture yesterday.
Crabby - we'd have a hoot, guaranteed!! :) You and the Lobster had better get your van fired up and on the road!!
That sucks about the potato plants. Hard to believe you're still getting freezes there!
BG - I was a little surprised, too, even though the forecast was for the temps. to drop. Of course, in this neck of the woods, we can get frost any month of the year. Sigh.
yes to the campfire & beer! I'm THERE! will you feed me to or are doin' a liquid diet? ;-)
Fitarella - Hot dogs cooked over the fire? Or beans and biscuits cooked over the fire? Pizza in the outdoor oven? Or strictly liquid - your choice! :)
Move over Fitarella! ;)
The more, the Merrier!!! (hehehehe, sorry Merry, couldn't resist!)
Ack, Baggie.. I hope the veggies survive and thrive. Do save me a seat for the all-nighter though. Sounds like it's going to be a fun group!
Hilary - of course there's a seat for you - and you can even bring Frank, if you have to!! :)
Frost? Daylight until 12am? holy moly. Gosh after reading about your tomatoes. I feel awful you're having so much problems with your plants. But, the tadpoles were cool! That brought back memories!
Oh, yeah - it stays light until really late, then the sun comes up again at around 3 am. It's the best time for a partay....
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