The Bag Lady thought she'd slip a quick little post in this morning before she gets back to work on her project. Be sure you have a little extra time tomorrow morning - her post is going to be a long one! (In fact, she may have to do a two-part series so no-one falls asleep and cracks their head on their keyboard.....)
She thought the cloud formation in this photo looked like a ladder to heaven. (click on it to enlarge to get the full effect.)

More flowers. Oriental Poppies, this time.

And she realized that she hadn't posted any photos of cows or calves for quite a long time, so here is one:

Isn't little Mojo cute?!
We should have a great day today.
Philippine lottery - thanks! Hope your day is wonderful!
Berto xxx - glad you are enjoying it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Aw, "Mojo"- very cute.
I love it when the cloud look like that. Watching the clouds is such a relaxing way to pass the time.
Great photos Sis.
Sagan - it is relaxing - we should all take a little more time to spend watching the clouds!
Thanks, Reb!
Love the stairway to heaven photo.. and the poppy shot is lovely.
Mojo is indeed a cutie. How is my Smitty doing?
Hi, Hilary - thanks! Your Smitty is doing very well. I was just glancing through my pictures to see if I had a good one of him, but couldn't find one. I'll have to take a photo of all of them so you all can see how they are growing!
The Stairway To Heaven picture needs a Led Zep soundtrack to it!
Baby Bovine Mojo is getting so big and cute.
All lovely and relaxing photos.
I love looking at the clouds. :)
yay cows! I'm always happy with cow pictures, although all the flowers you've been posting lately are gorgeous too!
EWBL - one of my favourite songs!!
Susan - thanks!
Gena - thanks. I was thinking you might like to see the cows....
There's a cow gonna have a calf sometime soon (a bit of a surprise), so I've been out following her around the ranch in 120F heat. Feeling a little dizzy now. Oh, wait, I always feel a little dizzy....
Love the Ladder to Heaven pic. Most poetic.
Good to see the cows again.
Thanks, dfLeah!
Ah, cows...I love them. And miss them. My grandfather had a dairy farm and some of my happiest days were spent there.
Thanks for the moomories*. :)
*I may have been hanging around Hilary too long....
You are getting better and better with that camera. Your pictures are so beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Thanks, Frank! I'll try to post more moomories for you (sheesh, now I'm catching it, too!) :)
Maggie - thanks! I had a great weekend - hope yours was good, too!
I'd lost my mojo.
Miz - you cracked me up!
awww...he is so cute!!!
Hie is, isn't he?!
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