The Bag Lady finally got around to downloading the pictures from her camera that she has taken over the course of the last couple of weeks, and decided to share this one with you:

This was taken a couple of weeks ago (she thinks it was a couple weeks - the days all run one into the next and her life is a blur....) The snow has melted off the trees, but there is still snow on the ground.
She has been sewing a lot, but hasn't taken pictures of anything she made, and most of it is gone now to it's new owners. She is also hard at work knitting her scarf. It will soon be long enough to show up in a picture!
She had an eye examination yesterday, and her prescription has changed a little bit - enough to warrant new contact lenses. The lens in her left eye now corrects her astigmatism, and she is pleased to report that she can see quite a bit better. She thinks it will take a few days to get accustomed to the new lens, though, because it is thicker than the old one was.
(OMG, the Bag Lady really has nothing to say when she is reduced to discussing her new contact lenses. She needs to do something wild and crazy so she can post something exciting!!)
She just realized that it's Friday the 13th! That'll make life interesting for the superstitious types!
Happy weekend, all of you!
I think this is the year we take a trip SOMEWHERE (even after our 9600.00 home repair bill yesterday) and show the child SNOW!!
Miz - I have the PERFECT destination for you!! :)
Kudos to you for wearing contact lenses at all. I have never been brave enough to try them.
A happy weekend to you, too! May something wild, crazy, and amazingly good happen to you.
Messymimi - I've been wearing contacts for.... oh dear! Thirty years or so! My optometrist said my eyes look like I've never had contacts in them, which is a good thing, apparently.
Thanks for your wishes for my weekend - hope yours is amazing, too!
What a beautiful picture!
I used to wear contacts, but now I have so many allergy attacks I can't do it. I stupidly rubbed my eyes too many times while wearing them. I tore several pair and the idea of damaging my eye scared me.
Scrumpy - that's a shame. I love my contacts - HATED wearing glasses.
Love the snow pic. Happy Friday the 13th.
Wow. That sorta looks like winter. Eeek.
I don't contact lenses can take up a lot of my attention when they don't seem to be sitting properly (I also have astigmatism). Or when I get something in my eye - that really hurts when you have contacts.
dfLeah - and Happy Friday the 13th to you, too!
JavaChick - yeah, it's been looking like winter for awhile now, dammit! I am hoping it doesn't take too long to adjust to the toric lens. I can definitely feel that it is different, though. And oh, yes, it does hurt when you get something in your eye along with your contacts!
I can't bear the thought of sticking anything in my eye. I'm a baby when it comes to eye drops -- just as bad as my 13yo is with immunizations! (Trust me, it's bad)
So instead, I don my reading glasses and look like an old lady. It freaks out my 18yo. (I think that is a benefit!)
Correcting a stigmatism makes a huge difference doesn't it? My eyes aren't that bad...mostly sigmatism. I find a new presctiption makes me feel a bit drunk for a day or so, but it makes all the difference in the world :)
Seeing the snow made me all wistful. It's all brown here still...I need to to be until I finish raking, but I think I'm ready for snow now! Bring on the christmas lights! :)
Egads, snow!
PS A copy of the Flat Belly Diet Cookbook is yours. Send me your mailing address :)
kcinnova - I was like that too, before I got contacts. It took a long time to get used to putting them in and taking them out. That is also the reason I've never had lasik eye surgery - can't bear the thought of anything sharp going into my eye! (although I am glad now that I never did it - a friend of mine had it done and now has to wear reading glasses to see anything up close. All I have to do is take my contacts out!)
Geo - there is snow on the ground here, but we have been having some relatively mild temperatures, so it's not all that bad! At least the roads are still dry, which I love.
Sagan - Woohoo!!! Thanks!! (I'll send you an email right now!)
Friday the 13th!!! I didn't even realize until I read this. I usually have good luck on Friday the 13th.
I think contact lenses are interesting. I want some really bad, but my eyes are too sensitive or dry or something. I've never been able to break in a pair satisfactorily.
Now see, wasn't that interesting?
Well there you have it: something to do - read the Cookbook Sagan is sending you.
Any snow pictures you post would be welcomed here, something restful and wintery. Pictures of your sewn creations would be good too. :>) Cheers and have a great weekend. ~ Conny
Lovely Photo Sis. It won't take long to adjust to the toric lens. I just wish I could afford them! I miss my contacts.
Melissa - I've been very lucky with my contact lenses (knock on wood!!) and have rarely had any trouble with them.
Conny - I'm very excited about the cookbook!! And will try harder to take some pictures of my sewing - I think I may (ssshhh, don't say it too loud - I'm superstitious!) might/could have solved my computer troubles!
Reb - Thanks! I can't believe how much it cost me yesterday! And I still haven't purchased a case of lenses. Sigh.
You are funny. I get a kick out of these totally normal posts that are based in reality and super boring.
df Bag Lady,
Wonderful picture of snow. Reminds me that winter is coming.
I came back to remind you that I was only kidding.
Loved the snow but glad it's not snowing here.
Yet. It was damn cold this morning.
POD - I only wish I had something exciting to talk about!!
dfTerrie - It's been wintery here for awhile now.... sigh.
Well, I totally spaced off that yesterday was Friday the 13th. Since nothing drastic happened to me (I think...) I guess it was of no consequence.
I've been wearing contact lenses since they were HARD lenses! Let me tell you it took guts to get used to them back then. But I'm Irish and we're tough.
Cheryl - I've been wearing them a long time, too. Soft ones were brand new when I started wearing them! And I love them - don't ever want to go back to wearing glasses!
I don't think I'd be wearing my contacts if I had to see snow outside my window just yet. Ugh!
Hilary - you have a point! Sadly, there's not much I can do about the snow....
Love the snowy tree! Beautiful, and at the same time it makes me appreciate sunny California.
Unfortunately, I could never get used to the astigmatic lenses and went back to the regular kind--my vision sucks but my eyes are comfortable.
Crabby - I am having a little trouble adjusting to this one. It gets uncomfortable after it's been in my eye for awhile. Hope I get used to it soon!
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