Remember the Bag Lady mentioning her big pumpkin? Well, she finally got around to doing something with it this weekend. First, out of curiosity, she weighed it. It was a whopping 14 pounds.
Here it is, beside a can of pie filling:

She cut it in half:

Scooped out the seeds (which she rinsed to get rid of the membrane, then set aside to roast later)

She cut it into smaller pieces, then boiled it to soften the rind (she also put half of it in a roaster with some water and cooked it in the oven for the same results)

She peeled it and cut it into chunks.

She sprayed the seeds with olive oil, sprinkled them with sea salt and roasted them in the oven:

Then she whipped up a pie:


She still has a huge amount of pumpkin, which she will use to make Hot & Spicy Pumpkin Chutney. But she has to stop at the grocery store on her way home from work this afternoon because she needs some hot peppers for the chutney.
Wow looks delish! I've never tasted pumpkin pie. It's not something we do over here really though we can get pumpkins around Halloween! I must put it on my to do list for next year or else I'll just have to visit Canada or the US around that time! :)
and you are now officially a Foodie Blogger yes? :)
That can of pumpkin pie filling looks so inadequate next to your pumpkin.
Pie looks amazing.
crazylady -pumpkin pie is good! And it's quite simple to make, really. You should try making it... or just come on over for a visit!
Miz - thanks. But no, I don't think I'm officially a foodie. I'm not sure exactly what kind of blogger I am, except I fall into the slacker category!!
Thanks, cousin! It tasted pretty good, too!
My grandfather always had pumpkin pie instead of a cake for his October birthday. It's good, but not good enough for me to tackle a live pumpkin and wrestle it to the ground.
Bag Lady, what you are is a Variety Blogger--as in Spice of Life.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - Thanks! I like that! A spicy blogger! :)
The Bag Lady owns a can of pie filling? That almost sounds sacrilegious! I mean, this is a woman who renders her own lard, puts up massive quantities of good food from her garden, and wrestles 14 pound pumpkins into submission.
Note to self: Do not let SuperDad see this post, or he will make me do all of these things, and then I will never have time to blog again....
kcinnova - it's an emergency can. (and to be honest, it's cherry pie filling - which, to be really honest, is my absolute favourite!)
Man, do I love some pumpkin pie.
And I love chutney. I've never heard of pumpkin chutney!
That chutney sounds very interesting. Husband does not like pumpkin pie so I only ever have it when we are home visiting family. Silly man.
Scrumpy - I'll post a recipe for the pumpkin chutney soon. It's really, really good!
JavaChick - doesn't like pumpkin pie?? Silly man is right!
My husband turns his nose up to using fresh pumpkin in pie. He says it is too stringy. I say, he has just never had your superlative cooking!
I never tasted pumpkin pie until I was in my 20s. My parents had both said that it was a vile taste. I believed them They were SO wrong! Of course they also said that about gin.. and they were SO right. ;)
Great post, Baggie. You never fail to amaze and amuse. :)
Wait a minute - that pie I was drooling over on FB was one you made from an actual pumpkin, not from a can???
You. Are. Amazing.
Sis, you can put some of that pumpkin in a freezer bag and throw it in the freezer to make another pie later on.
JavaChick...has he ever had it from scratch or just canned? I hate canned, but I like scratch made.
messymimi - mine wasn't stringy - but I make sure I get all that stringy stuff out before I make pie!!
Hilary - your parents must not have had GOOD pumpkin pie!! Or GOOD gin!! I like Bombay Sapphire, myself!!
BG - yes, made from scratch pumpkin pie..... didn't I mention that? :)
Reb - I think I will have quite a lot of frozen pumpkin! It was a big pumpkin.
This is strange but I like to put pumpkin in my muffins. It makes them more juicy.
Pumpkin chutney? tell. Could I beg/borrow/steal your recipe. I have a big pumpkin sitting on my kitchen table and I've been wondering what to do with it. Pumpkin chutney sounds yummy...
The pie looks yummy BTW :)
Trainerpack - pumpkin muffins sound GOOD!
Geo - I'll post the recipe soon, I promise!
Please make me a hot n spicey pumpkin pie pronto.
POD - okey dokey.
Um, I think I officially NEED that chutney recipe, please. Pretty please? (Also, POD's hot'n'spicy pumpkin pie sounds like it might be good, too.)
Barring that, I'm coming to dinner! I just have to book a flight . . .
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