The Bag Lady wanted to share some winter scenes with you. She went to help the Rancher load some equipment the other day, and while she was waiting for him, she was captivated by the beauty of the season. Well, okay, she
was bored thought the sun shining through the snowy trees looked pretty.
Please click on any of the images to enlarge them if they aren't already making you feel chilly enough!

Yesterday the Bag Lady's world was coated with hoar frost. The pictures don't really convey just how pretty everything was.

Even the weeds are sparkling in the sun.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Lovely photos Sis. Keep that up there a few more days though would ya!
Beautiful! I especially like the hoar frost pictures.
We are having a beautiful fall. I just posted a bunch of photos that I took last Friday - come on by and have a look!
The colors here have warmed and darkened a bit with more red tones, but the overall effect is definitely still golden.
is that waiting for me in chicago too??
So pretty! Hoar frost is one of the most beautiful things in nature.
Yesterday we had our first snowfall of the year. The streets are all slushy now... sighs. It might be November already but I'm still not ready for it to be winter!
Reb - I'm perfectly willing to share!!
kcinnova - thanks! The hoar frost was really pretty yesterday, but I like the photos on your blog - much warmer-looking! :)
Anyone who wants a peek at some gorgeous photos - click on kcinnova's name and go on a hike with her!
Miz - Oh, I hope Chicago isn't nasty and cold.... have a great time!
Sagan - I'm with you - I'm not ready yet, either!
Beautiful winter wonderland pics. I miss winter in the country.
Beautiful pictures!
dfLeah - thanks! It certainly is pretty - undisturbed by humans. There were lots of deer and other animal tracks, though!
Sarah - Thanks!
Lovely to look at,
Lovely to behold,
But if you're out in it
It's really freakin' cold!
It's so pretty.
When I was in college, it was like that: pretty enough to be a postcard, but cold enough to wish you were somewhere warm.
Tricia - I've spent my whole life here, wishing I was somewhere else in the winter time!
Beautiful shots, Baggie.. but I'm SO not ready for that white stuff yet.
Hilary - neither was I! I wouldn't have minded a few more weeks of warm weather.
Bag Lady you live in a Christmas card!!! I want to dress up in red with a big white beard and ride my sleigh around your ranch :)
Hope you have a fantastic weekend too, what are you doing?
TA x
TA - We can put antlers on the horses and pretend... Wheeeee!
I live such an exciting, spur-of-the-moment existence, I'm not sure what I'll be doing this weekend! Probably sewing. And cleaning. And all the fun stuff like that. You know, life-on-the-edge kinda stuff.
How beautiful! I sooo want snow this year. I also want a cabin with a fireplace and unlimited amouts of hot chocolate that too much to ask???
Missicat - no, that doesn't sound like a lot to ask - in fact, it sounds darned good! (Oh, wait, we need someone to split and pack the firewood, and keep us supplied with hot chocolate - preferably with Creme de Menthe in it - and please, please, please, make sure the cabin has electricity and running water, 'kay?)
Sounds good to me!! Also some Godiva chocolate liquer..or will that be too much chocolate? Or is there such a thing???
Well, paint me green with envy as we only have evergreens over here and no snow. BEAUTIFUL shots. Gosh, I can't wait until we can go to N. Carolina for our honeymoon in Jan and see SNOW. Your pictures make me want to see it even more! Lucky you!
Missicat - ooooh, Godiva chocolate liquer - didn't know there was such a thing (I need to get out more!)
And no, there's no such thing as too much chocolate!
Aleta - I hope you see lots of snow on your honeymoon! Makes snuggling so much more fun!
Looks so pretty...I suppose I"ll hav eto resign myself to the fact that snow is on the way. I just need the weekend to finish the yard...then it can blow all it wants...Have a good weekend :)
Geo - hope you get the yard finished! Enjoy your weekend!
Snow! No fair! Its flooding here in Seattle :(
Kelly Turner
Kelly - oh no! I'd rather have snow than flooding!!
Hope it isn't too serious!
Beautiful Pics BL. I love people who can enjoy the seasons and not just moan about the cold or the heat or the rain or the humidity or whatever they find to crab about. All seasons are wonderful.
Absolutely beautiful!
Lucas - I do moan occasionally, like when it's cold for days and days on end, but for the most part I figure whining about it isn't going to change it!
And it does look pretty, doesn't it?
Thanks, SB - wish I could take credit for it! :)
It's beautiful, and I look forward to looking out the windows at some from beside a roaring stove--AFter I finish moving!
Surely, with enough chocolate electricity and plumbing would become irrelevant?
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne - Chocolate makes up for a lot, but I'm not sure it could replace indoor plumbing!! :)
How is the moving coming along?
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. We had snow a couple of years ago. *Sigh*
Thanks, Amy. Maybe you'll get snow again sometime. :)
Bag Lady, the moving is much too slow. Since I don't want to be away from my father for more than a few hours at a time I only make one trip a day. That's just as well because it's all too noticeable that I've spent the last sixteen months mostly sitting down instead of lifting dogs.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Well, dang it all, Mary Anne - I'd offer to give you a hand, but, you, back....and all....
Hang in there!
df Bag Lady,
These are magnificent pictures. I am sure you will be tired of the snow by March, but for right now--it is dazzling.
Reminds me of the cover of my Dying in a Winter Wonderland anthology.
Thanks, dfTerrie! It really did look pretty for a couple days, but I'm tired of it now....:)
I did you so proud this weekend in my DOWN JACKET!!
hope you had a good weekend.
Oh man! Were those taken on earth? Because I don't see anything like that outside my window. Brrrrr.
Are there even more frigid pics coming?
Merry - thanks!
Miz - glad to have you back! Looking forward to hearing about your trip.
Charlie - oh, yeah - from now until about the end of March....~~sigh~~
how pretty!!! Althought I can't say I envy you. Our weather is awesome right now- sunny and 60F. You've got what, 6 more months of snow?!?
Emily - 60F sounds perfect! And yes, we usually have about 6 months of winter. ~~sigh~~
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