The Bag Lady's photography skills know no bounds.... as evidenced in this little video.
These are Pine Grosbeaks enjoying the sunflower seeds the Bag Lady provides for them. (The Bag Lady apologizes for her yowling cat - he has been very vocal lately!)
Pine Grosbeaks are quite shy and will take flight en masse at the slightest provocation, which makes it difficult to get good pictures of them.
On the other hand, the Bag Lady did manage to get a reasonably good picture of last night's sunset - it moved slowly enough for her! This is the last of the old spruce trees still surviving in the pasture. It's companion was broken in a windstorm last year.
A stunning Christmas card!!! Good work !
oooh or Hanukkah card.
right click.
save :)
(still can not believe the snow!!)
Looks so pretty and snowy! I agree, next craft sale = Bag Lady Christmas cards :0)
TA x
Oh that must be your Christmas card. At least, make it the one for me.
Love the pine gosbeaks. We hear them around but they don't come close to the house. I thought the kitty commentary for it was quite fitting.
Definitely a card.
I saw a pine grosbeak once to recognize it. It must have been on its way somewhere else.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Crazylady - thanks! I was doing chores last night and noticed how pretty it looked. Simply couldn't resist taking a photo!
Miz - I should have said Holiday Card - sorry! Oh, and we had freezing rain last night. I'd much rather have snow, believe me!
TA - Brilliant! Thanks for the idea!! (Off to dig up some card stock paper.....)
dfLeah - but now your card won't be a surprise!! And the grosbeaks have such a pretty song, don't they?
Mary Anne - We only see the Pine Grosbeaks in the winter - they must go further north in the summer.... your little guy must have been totally lost!
OH OH OH OH OH!!! I LOVE that sunset. OMG. It's so beautiful, it makes me want to break out the water color paint brushes. *sigh* Beautiful ~ worthy of a picture frame or magazine and definitely something on a Christmas card. And I enjoyed the video - adorable birds!
An amazing sunset. Must make the snow feel a little warmer to see beauty like that every day. :)
Great holiday card! Yes, I am SO PC!
Aleta - the beautiful sunrises and sunsets make living here a little more bearable! Oh how I wish I were artistic....
SB - it is gorgeous, isn't it?
Missicat - I'm going to attempt to make a HOLIDAY card today! (I can be PC, too, when I try!)
Ooh you should absolutely make that into a Christmas card with all your fancy crafting skills!
Cute little birds:)
Thanks, Sagan. I'm hard at work right now, trying to make pretty cards.......
That IS a great photo, Baggie. I think it should be your Festivus card. ;)
Hilary - AHA!! That's it! I shall put "Happy Festivus" in it!! Brilliant!!
Sis, that is beautiful and would make a wonderful card! Love the cat commentary on the video, somehow though Sibu wasn't as enthralled...he had to go see if the birds were at my window! ;)
Thanks, sis! Sorry to confuse Sibu...!!
An amazing Christmas card!
And the birds are so cute and little, I'm amazed you managed to get their picture.
Tricia - the pictures don't really do those birds justice - the males are so vivid and gorgeous!
Hard to photograph, though - very flighty.
That tree photo is beautiful. You *should* make Festivus cards out of it...and send us one :)
Geo - festivus it is! I'm working on making cards.
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