So............... is this ever going to come back into style, or should the Bag Lady give up the dream of fitting into it again.....?

Halter-style, full-length, button down the front. Dated?

(Okay, maybe the Bag Lady
did have a serious fever with that flu..............)
I like it. It's a nice summer dress. But then, I'm not the epitome of style. ;)
no comment.
Im a holderonto'er.
and Ive not regretted it once.
my husband? he filled with regret :) not his fave trait of mine.
kcinnova - I am not exactly a style maven, either. My wardrobe consists mostly of jeans and T shirts or flannel shirts (for winter).
Miz - I, too, am a holderonto'er. In fact, I cannot remember exactly how long ago I made this dress, but it has to be close to 20 years!
Total keeper.
dfLeah - that's what I thought - glad you concur!
Absolutely keep it. It is pretty and you made it, so you have to keep it!
Thanks, dfTerrie! I respect your opinion, so I shall!
If you really love it, I say keep it.
Javachick - I actually do quite like this dress. I made two of them - the other is white, if memory serves me correctly, with big red buttons, and is cocktail-length, I think. Of course, I could be wrong - it's been a really long time, and that one is in a box somewhere.
Unfortunately, I'll probably never fit into either of them again, but I'll keep it as incentive.
To quote (kind of) Erma Bombeck, "The last time I saw something that skinny, toothpaste came out of it." I say, if you can wear it, go ahead and let the rest of us (me) be envious!
Amy - getting into it right now would sorta be like trying to put toothpaste back into the tube..... :)
If you made it, can you re-fit it somehow? I know nothing about dressmaking so I don't really know how that all works. My sewing skills extend to making little pillows:)
I like dresses with buttons and collars! There's been more of them coming into stores, too.
It's a pretty classic style and one that is easily updated. If it were my dress, I'd either wear it as is or do some minor alterations to make it look a little trendier.
Check out the Wardrobe Refashion site for ideas!
If it looks good keep it. It looks like a outside of style dress...I mean that in a good way. Nice and simple, but not overly trendy, so it won't be out of style. As long as you like it, I say keep it.
My thing for keeping something on "clean sweep" was if I personally would wear it again. If so, I kept it. If not...I tried to pry it out of my closet and into a box...80% successful so far :)
Sagan - if it came a little closer to fitting, I could probably re-make it. As it stands now, I have to re-make ME!! :)
BG - I will check out that site - thanks!
Geo - Methinks I need someone like you to come and go through my closet..... my own success rate is far closer to the other way around!
i have saved only my favorites........hey if you loved it and want to wear it again...........just do it :)
Annette - If I can ever get back into it, that is!!!!
I like the dress! It's feminine and light and speaks of summer!
Thanks, Aleta! Methinks it's a keeper.
I agree with Geosomin--that kind of dress doesn't go out of style.
I'm a holder-onto. Hanging in my closet at the new house is a dress I haven't worn in more than thirty years, and that losing weight won't get me back into--I kept growing after I wore it in high school. It's one of my very very few impulse purchases. I walked past the dress rack on my way to try on shoes, and stopped and went back, and stared at it, and took it into the dressing room, and then home. Every time I come across it in the back of my closet it lifts my heart.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne - I have a few outfits like that - I hang onto them because they lift my spirits! Nice to know I'm not alone.
Hey Bag Lady, didn't you get the memo? Maxi-dresses were RED hot for summer 08 and the trend looks set to continue til next year!
Glad you're feeling a little bit better! I've finally given up and taken a sick day, absolutely shattered!
TA (buried in Elle magazine as usual) x
Oh honey, that's gonna clash with your red heels, and we'll barely see the fishnets!!
Glad you feel better. I think that the dress is really cute and you should hold onto it.
TA - must have missed that memo! Thanks for cluing me in.
Sorry you still aren't feeling well - get some rest!
Marianne - dang - I'll have to dig the shorter one out...:)
Tricia - thanks - I think it's unanimous - it's a keeper!
If you like it, definitely keep it! I don't think it looks dated at all. Hopefully TA will keep all of us updated on trends! :-)
Ditch the dress.
Nah, I'm just messing with you.. I'm done being difficult now.
It's a cute dress. You're quite the seamstress. I have a few small sized never-gonna-fit-into-them-again items too somewhere. Big sigh-evokeers, eh?
Missicat - I'm hoping TA will keep us all trendy, too! ('cause I know if it were up to me, we'd all be in jeans and T-shirts......:)
Hilary - stop messing with my head! :)
I wish I had more pictures of the dresses I have made. I made a bridesmaid dress for a friend that was really complicated - turned out very well though.
My mother was an expert seamstress - she even made my wedding dress....I should post a picture of that....
It would have been fine if it weren't floor-length. But I'm sure you looked darling in it at the time.
See that? I have to be the difficult one. Oh keep it if you want. It's still cute, just longer than I happen to like. ;)
Tink - thanks for your honesty! The length I can alter easily....
I like it, it is a classic style. Maybe a bit shorter though, I can't remember how long it was on you. I do remember the white one with the red buttons and I really liked that one too.
So it did have red buttons? (OMG, it's awful to forget things....)
Thanks, sis, for corroborating that for me!
I definately hold on to things thinking they will come back in style. Then if that's a bust I save them in case I need them for halloween (hence the black pleather pants I still have).
I think I might clean out my closet this weekend.
I was also going to say what Sagan said - can you make something else with it - a top or skirt or something else?
Glad you're feelin' better.
POM - I could outfit an entire platoon for a Halloween party from my closet....:)
I can probably do some updating on it - shorten it to a more suitable length, etc.
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