The Bag Lady has been busier than a cat on a marble slab...........(Did she just date herself by using that expression? In fact, does anyone know what that cat is trying to do on that marble slab? If not, the Bag Lady will tell you in the comment section.....)
She has some crafts yet to finish this morning, and the sale starts this afternoon! Aaacckkk....
Here are just a few of the things she has ready for the sale:
Casserole Carriers:

Sugar Body Scrubs and Salt Foot Scrubs, with wash-mitts:

Door Swags:

And, of course, her CartSmart Bags:

She will also have some of her salsa, and some home-made granola, and some Christmas cards, and soap-saver mitts, and more......if she gets everything finished in time!
Have a good weekend!
Gotta run....
The complete expression, for all you young'uns who didn't grow up in my crazy family, is:
"Busier than a cat trying to cover shit on a marble slab!"
first? is it a canadian expression? we're not that different in age and Ive never heard of it!
and the craftstuff? AWESOME.
have a good day and, perhaps, should you find it in yer craftheart let us know tomorrow how it all went.
have fun!
Miz - I do not really know the origin of the expression, other than my parents used it....
And I shall endeavour to let you know how things turn out. May not be until Sunday or even Monday - it's a two-day sale, and we might move cows on Sunday.
Have a great weekend.
I know you'll do well at the craft sale. Have fun.
dfLeah - thanks! I sure hope so.
You'll do great, the crafts look awesome.
Tricia - thanks! Now, as long as the weather co-operates and people actually come to the sale.....
Ah...this explains the radio silence... Have fun, don't smoke, and sell lots!
Marianne - yes, I've been head down, ass up around week should be better.....Thanks! (and the smoking will be no problem - provincial law prohibits smoking in public buildings!)
The crafts look great and I hope you make lots of sales!
They all look mah-ve-lous!! Please remember us when you are rich and famous!
I want you all to know how much I appreciate your support!
BG - thanks - I hope things go well, too. I admit, I'm a little nervous.
Missicat - thanks! Of course I'll remember all the little people....hahahaha! (rich and famous *snort*)
Hehe never heard that expression before- the first thing that popped into my head was that a cat would be sleeping on a marble slab.
Have loads of fun and good luck with all your crafts!
Have never heard that expression before. Good luck with the craft sale! Looks/sounds like you've got lots of good stuff.
Sagan - my parents used that expression constantly - they only ever said "busier than a cat on a marble slab" for many years around us when we were kids. Wasn't 'til I was much older that I knew the entire expression.....
Javachick - okay, I guess that makes me officially old (and perhaps a little strange....)
Thanks for your good wishes, both of you!
Good luck Sis! I know you will do well. Maybe it was just our parents, or maybe it was something mom brought from down east?
The expression is new to me too, but apparently the Urban Dictionary knows a slightly different version.
No doubt you'll do great. Then we get to hear all about it. It's win/win!
Reb - actually, I think it was probably an "original variation" - unique to our family, perhaps.
Hilary - thanks for linking to that - a cat on a frozen pond is the same image!
I have always wanted to make my own salt/sugar scrubs!!! That is so cool. I really should just do it.. great gifts for Christmas!
Sarah - Gena posted the recipe on her blog - Gena Cooks (there's a link in my sidebar) - it's easy, and they work really well!
Oh, I love the casserole thing! That's a great idea. Good luck and have fun at the craft sale!
You are sooooooo talented!
Have a great time at the craft show.
I have a casserole carrier (different model, but also cloth) and I LOVE it!
Good luck on your sales.
Gena - thanks. I'm hoping they'll be popular...
dfTerrie - Aw shucks, thanks!
Kcinnova - I have seen a couple different styles, but thought this one looked clever, yet simple - and it is! Thanks.
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