She has many tasks to take care of today, including going to town. She is not eager to leave her house, but has no choice.
She was going through her archives of photos, trying to distract herself in order that she might post about something other than her health, and came upon this photo, which always makes her smile:

Wasn't the Princess just the cutest pup?
Bag Lady, How did you get warm weather? I didn't think you were due that until June.
Tom - a wee Chinook blew in, but I don't think it will hang around long! And yes, you're right, we probably won't get spring until June!
Aw, sorry you've been under the weather Bag Lady. My sister came to visit over new year's and we were painting the spare bedroom and I came down with a nasty sore throat while all that was going on, but fortunately it did not get any worse than that. At least so far (fingers crossed).
Love the puppy photo!
Define "tolerable" and we'll see if I agree.
Princess knew who she was right from the start, didn't she?
Mary Anne in Kentucky
JavaChick - glad your sore throat didn't turn into anything worse!
Mary Anne - It is currently -7C (19F) and the forecast high is -1C (30F), so not too bad. (Is that tolerable for you?)
And yes, the Princess was very aware of the power she held in her kingdom!
Princess was an adorable puppy. ;)
Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, and tea for you! May you be sitting high in the saddle soon...
~KC (who is saddle sore from riding her bike on Saturday)
Oh...I'm all is a balmy -37 out here. Boo.
Please say it's heading our way :)
I hope your day goes alright and you're feeling better soon.
Kcinnova - Princess was cute, wasn't she? Tea and toast are definitely on the menu today!
Geo - I hope this is heading your way. Apparently it isn't going to hang around here very long. The forecast high for tomorrow is only -20C. Sigh.
The warmer weather will do wonders to make you feel better, if only psychologically.
The Princess pic made me smile. Thanks.
dfLeah - I'm sure as soon as the sun comes up, my spirits will, too!
I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. I hope you feel better.
That's the cutest puppy I've seen in a while.
Thanks, Tricia. She was awfully cute, wasn't she?!
That photo sure melts the heart!
Hope you feel better and good luck with you tasks. Warmer weather makes EVERYTHING better:)
Sagan - she is very photogenic!
And yes, the warmer weather certainly helps.
I'm glad the warm weather I sent arrived safely! Only now, it's 51 degrees here whereas yesterday it was 81. Folks are starting to get suspicious, so I might need to take a few of those degrees back--in Farenheit, if at all possible.
Aw, BG - we were just starting to enjoy it! But yeah, I'm pretty sure it'll be back there soon - our forecast high for tomorrow is back down to -25 or something ridiculously cold again. Sigh.
Thanks, though - I enjoyed it while it was here!
Awww! So cute!
Sorry you're still under the weather, though. That sucks.
But, regarding that last post? Use those wet-wipe toilet papers, and then put tea tree oil and a little bit of lotion on the . . . um . . . "afflicted area." It feels GROSS, but it will prevent the rawness (and the tearing, which is where the rawness leads eventually).
And for the love of all that's holy, please don't ask me how I know this. ;)
Marste - thanks for the advice, and you're right, I probably don't want to know how you know this! :)
Well, it seems I have been away from the blogosphere for awhile. I am sorry you are sick honey...go to the Dr! You haven't started eating the white bitch yet have you? 'cause that would really be nasty! 500 lbs of nasty!
Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, sis. No I can't blame the white bitch for this!
AGGGHGHHHHHAAAWWWWW! That is an unbelievable picture of a dawg.
You're STILL sick?? :-(
Melissa - isn't she cute? And yes, I'm still sick. ~~sigh~~
Hey now, this is too long. Do I have to go there personally and take you to a doctor? You think you can distract me with adorable photos of an incredibly cute, darling, sweet puppy. Well you might, but only for a moment. Get thee to some medical care, Baggie!
Thanks for your concern, Hilary. The Rancher says he's taking me for medical attention if I'm not better by tomorrow. We'll see.
thinking about you...
KC's a mommy! What is the white bitch? Around my neighborhood that usually means me... LOL. It is 6F here this morning, officially colder than you! :)
Awww what a sweet little pup!
Been feeling just tired lately....need to snap out of this!
Hope you are up and about soon!
The CUTEST little Princess! Really hope you're feeling better today Bag Lady, and that your trip into town was incident-free!
TA x
Thanks, Miz.
Marianne - The white bitch is the cow that attacked us and we turned into hamburger! And it's cooled off again here....-25C
Missicat - get some rest. You don't want to catch this!
TA - thanks! I didn't make it to town yesterday, but think hubby is taking me in today.
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