The Bag Lady regrets that she doesn't have pictures of the on-going paint job yet. It turned out to be a bigger job than originally thought, partly because of the extremely high humidity - it has been pouring rain for most of the week! The paint hasn't been drying as quickly as it ordinarily would. Sigh.
She will pull together a post as soon as she has good photos!
In the meantime, have a good weekend!
Oops - forgot to mention our crazy weather. It was 29C (88?F) on Monday, then the temperature dropped and it started to rain. Rained most of the week (over 2 inches) and this morning at 5:30, the temperature was 4C (37?F) - the Bag Lady is too lazy to get a conversion chart to figure out exactly what that is in Fahrenheit. All she really knows is that it was danged hot on Monday, and by Friday, she's at risk of losing her tomatoes AGAIN!! Sheesh.
No! Not the tomatoes! Anything but the tomatoes!
Sorry. Little panic attack there.
Good to know the horses like to keep a lookout for one another.
Yeah, the temp range is quite something. It was meltingly hot here too and now this morning it's cold and wet. The house temp went from 81F to the current 66F.
Save The Tomatoes!
have a good day, BL.
youre mitzvahing all over the place.
Javachick - That's how I feel too! I would be inconsolable if I lost them AGAIN! Especially now that they have produced so many nice looking tomatoes. They only need a few more weeks, Mother Nature!
dfLeah - I actually ran out (in my ratty old housecoat and green rubber boots! - was that TMI?) and threw some old sheets over them. I really don't want to lose them!
Thanks, Miz! I'm off to mitzvah again, soon....
Oh no! Hope they are OK. The tomatoes AND the horses - of course!
The weather here in the D.C. area also has been strange - in a good way though - so far every weekend in August has been beautiful instead of horrid humidity, and this coming weekend looks good too. I feel spoiled!
That weather sounds crazy! I know what you mean about the humidty, though. Sometimes I wonder how anything dries here in the summer.
Missicat - thanks - I hope I was fast enough with the sheets over the tomatoes.... And the horse seems to be okay now!
BG - the humidity has been a real bugger this week! On the other hand, if it hadn't been raining, my sister-in-law wouldn't have been able to come and help - she'd have been farming!
Save the tomatoes!
I know that horsy look: "Is there going to be food involved in this?"
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Glad the horse is feeling better. Crazy weather is what we are having too, but it is supposed to be hot again this weekend.
Mary Anne - he was also concerned that they might try to catch HIM!
Reb - it's supposed to be nice here for the weekend, too.
And the tomatoes seem to be okay!
Save the tomatoes! Save the tomatoes at all costs. The draught (c'mon share the rain) wiped out most of the tomatoes down here in S.C. We're not allowed to water anything but the dog. But I think his output makes up for his intake.
Amy - those 2 precious inches of rain were needed around here - we've been declared an agricultural disaster area due to the drought!
Sure helped my garden! And the tomatoes seem to be okay....
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