The Bag Lady's mother-in-law will be celebrating her 80th birthday in November, and her children wanted to throw a party in her honour. They decided that it would be nice to have it when the weather was more co-operative than it usually is in November, so they chose this past weekend. There was a good turn-out of folks who have known the Cowboy's mother for many years, and the weather was quite warm. There was a little shower early on, but that blew over and the sun shone for the rest of the day.
Games were played, an enormous quantity of food was prepared and consumed, a lot of visiting was done, and a good time was had by all. There were children and grand-children and great-grandchildren; cousins and uncles and aunts and in-laws (and perhaps even an out-law or two!); nieces and nephews and good friends and neighbours. It was a terrific occasion to celebrate a terrific lady.
The Bag Lady found a photograph from her mother-in-law's youth of her riding a horse named Flirt. Her mother-in-law was a terrific horsewoman (who rode well into her seventies!), and it is a wonderful picture, so the Bag Lady blew it up on her computer and took it town and had it put on the cake for the party. (Blogger finally sorta/kinda let the Bag Lady upload the photo, but she had to capture it and drag it into her post because it wouldn't finish....sigh.)
Update! Here is the original photo that was used to decorate the cake:

The first part of the weekend was spent in preparation for the party and the last part of the weekend was spent cleaning up after the party, and very little sleep was had by quite a few of the preparers and cleaners!
The Cowboy hauled some more hay off the field yesterday, then received a call from one of the neighbours who was having a great deal of difficulty getting her haying done. She was almost finished baling her hay when her baler broke down, so the Cowboy took his baler over and finished up for her. That's what neighbours do out here in the country.
It was a busy weekend, and the Bag Lady was played out, but she has garden to tend to and bags to sew and spinach to dehydrate; there's still hay to be hauled and housework and laundry and holy cow, what's she doing sitting here.....?
Have a good day!
I love the cake picture. (Bad Blogger! Let the pictures through.)
Balers--do you sometimes suspect they don't like being balers, and want to be, oh, maybe, lawn ornaments instead?
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne - perhaps you are right about balers. Or maybe it's only old, tired balers that want to be ornamental.....
Glad you like the cake picture :)
I love the cake pic - sounds like you had quite the crowd!
Good for Cowboy for helping out. Will definitely call you if my baler breaks down! :-)
What a fab photo! You wouldn't happen to have a digital version so we could see it better?
So I guess your Cowboy baled the hay and bailed her out eh? Oh, but I kill me!
Wonderful cake. I love that pic.
Sounds like it was a great weekend and a damn fine idea to celebrate now. And you can always celebrate again when the birthday proper rolls around.
Missicat - and we will definitely come running to help you if your baler ever breaks down!! :)
Christine - I'll post the photo that was put onto the cake for you.
And that was too funny...bailed her out....hahahaha
dfLeah - thanks! And that's exactly what we plan to do - celebrate again on the actual day! (Can never have too many parties, IMO!)
and I too love the cake pic (and am partial to only the most CHEAP of grocerystore or canned frostings. just FYI).
and we love the CowWhisperer, err, boyman.
will he ever guest post?
M., who sadly can never ever let you quit as the animals might come to HER HOUSE demanding tending.
Miz - I, too, am fond of canned icing... :)
I will discuss the possibility of a guest post from the Cow Whisperer, but fear it'll never happen.
Sounds like fun. You're so lucky to enjoy spending time with your immediate family. Truly.
I love the old pic. You should send it to Reminisce Magazine!
BG - actually, this is hubby's immediate family, but I do realize how lucky we are! MOST of the family gets along like a house on fire.....
Thanks for that link - I'll check it out!
Great pics.! Nice post!
Thanks, Mark.
That's a wonderful shot. It looks like something out of an old movie magazine. She's one cool MIL!
mmmm.... CAKE! Could use a big ol' slab right now!
As for the cowboy comment... I LOVE horses! I love brushing them and cleaning out their hooves (is that weird? I don't know.) Cows, eh. Not so much, but I've never really been around them, unless you count McDonald's.
No hayfever. I don't mine straw. Was their mention about spitting? Spitting doesn't bother me unless it's because they have tobacco in their mouths, then ew.
Yup. I think I need to try a cowboy next.
*note to self: their does not = there.
That is a FANTASTIC photo. I am soooo jealous that you have such a photo of someone you know.
Excellent choice for the cake, btw.
Hilary - seriously? She definitely IS! The coolest MIL one could ever ask for!
Glam - okay, I'm on the lookout for a cowboy for you....
Christine - thanks! I just love that photo, and couldn't think of a better one for the cake!
Hats off to your MIL! My sister had to MAKE me learn to ride. I had that Oh Crap! expression while I was still standing on the ground. I am completely impressed and more than a little envious. I'll just bet she's a firecracker even now!
Amy - we really are twins separated at birth - I'm the same way when it comes to riding!
And yes, mother is still a firecracker! She rode until she was around 75, in spite of having knee-replacement surgery 9 or 10 years before that.
She's an awesome woman, and a terrific role model - all 5 feet of her!
That's the most awesome picture EVER. Love the cake. What are you going to do with the dried spinach?
Sagan - it is an awesome picture, isn't it?
I'll use the dried spinach in a terrific recipe I got from Bunnygirl's blog for spinach and cheese bread. It is super easy, and really tasty.
I think it will probably work in the spinach dip that I make, too.
Wow, I love that cake and the photo! I also know how good the food is at your parties Sis, so I know it was a great time.
that is an awesome picture and how neat of you to put it on the cake!
sounds like you had a very busy weekend!
Thanks, Reb - I was really happy with the way the cake turned out, and the party was really nice. I think Mother was pleased.
W.O.M. - thanks! It was a very busy weekend, and I fear has set the pace for the rest of the month!
Everyone else is using the same word I thought to describe Winnie's picture: awesome! And I say that with a smile on my face too because it's also a cute/funny photo. She looked like she had spunk... I bet she still does. :)
Happy Birthday to your mother-in-law!
Thanks, Susan - and yes, she's still pretty spunky!! Pretty sure she could whup my sorry butt if she put her mind to it!
This was a lovely post. Happy Birthday MIL. Love the picture of her. It's always wonderful reading about your life. You always bring a smile to my face. :)
Aww, thanks Maggie! Glad I make you smile!
Bad girl - thanks for stopping by!
That picture makes me want to goo write a book about glamorous Wonder Winnie, the Wild HorseLady of the Frontier, just so I could have her on the front cover!
My mum has a horse and she's obsessed with all things horsey. I'm terrified of them though! Getting a bit more confident as I get older, but I'd still rather play with all the awesome dogs at the stable than actually get on a horse and go for a ride!
Glad the party was such a success!
TA x
TA - I'm much the same around horses, ever since I fell off (can't even claim I was "bucked off", which would at least sound better...) and broke my tailbone. I'd rather play with the dogs, too!
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