The Cowman and the Bag Lady hauled some of their hay off the field and brought it home to stack it in the yard yesterday. Over, and over, and over again. They finally finished one field at 8:30 last night, then had supper.
The Cowman had to go to work today, so they will continue the hay-haul another day. In the meantime, the Bag Lady will go to town and run some errands. She was played out last night for some reason. Hauling hay is not a physically demanding job, but it is tiring nonetheless. Either that or the Bag Lady is getting old.... nah, that can't be it!
This is a long weekend in Alberta, and it is shaping up to be a busy one out here at the ol' stump ranch, so hopefully she'll have something interesting to share with you next week (at the very least, a report of a fun-filled time!)
Have a great weekend!
am I alone in being SOOO CURIOUS what it looks like to 'go to town?'
what town is like?
*starts the VIDEO PLEASE chant in the crown*
Ooh yes, also curious about "going to town!"
(And now I have an obscure song in my head, Jann Arden's "Going to town with my red dress on," a song that never fails to crack me up. She's Canadian, do you Canadians all know each other? Say hi for me if you see her).
I'll patiently anticipate that video too. Happy Heritage Day. It's a long weekend here too.
Do say hi to Jann for me too, if it be your will. ;)
Miz - you crack me up! Will ponder the goin' to town video...
Crabby - oh yeah, Jann and I go way back... She actually is from the same province as I am...
Hilary - I'll pass along your greeting next time I see her :)
The hay bales look rather intimidating in your pic.
Glad you a field done. How much more is there?
I'll join the chorus for a "going to town" video too.
Will you be painting this "town" red? That sounds like it could potentially be even harder work than hauling hay!
Have a wonderful weekend Bag Lady!
TA x
dfLeah - we moved almost a hundred bales yesterday, and have at least that many again yet to move.
Hmmm, y'all are giving me some ideas!
TA - my town-painting days are pretty much over, but I've been known to do that in this particular town!
Thanks, hope your weekend is great, too.
Speaking of painting things red, are you going to paint the *bales*? Around here, pumpkin faces for Halloween, and Christmas ornaments for Christmas are traditional, and painting just the end of the bale doesn't waste much hay. The whole-bale-painted-black with black plastic drainage pipe for spider legs seems like more of a waste, but with the blinking red tractor-warning lights for eyes they're so cute.
Mary Anne in Kentucky, the land of Farm Art.
Mary Anne - I've seen those, and often thought about doing it, but we live on a dead-end road, and never have any passers-by, so it would only be for my own enjoyment. In other words, I've never bothered. But they are cute.
It's almost the time of year when I see truck after truck of bales going over the river bridge...
I hope you have a funfilled weekend. Don't work too hard!
Geosomin - which means that the summer is half over. Sigh. Can't believe how fast it has gone!
Waiting....Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Mark - hope your weekend is great, too.
That's a lot of hay! Have a great long weekend. (And am chiming in about the video, of course).
df Bag Lady,
Have a great Heritage Day weekend!
Thanks, Sagan...that's one load of hay - we hauled 10 loads.
And I'm contemplating the video.....:)
dfTerrie - we posted at the same time - I almost missed you!
I'll see what I can do about the video.
Wish someone out there could tell me how to download a DVD onto my computer so I can show you my "glory days" *snicker* on stage.... I cannot figure it out. Sigh.
If I moved all those bales, I know what I would do with the weekend--SLEEP! Signed Amy, President of the Forces to End Physical Labor.
I wanna see a goin' to town video too!!! And I think you should decorate a hay bale for the amusement of your bloggers; I bet the Cowman would really think you're nuts then (but we'd appreciate it.)
Well Sis, it looks like you have to do a video of the town, don't forget to include the HWY #!
i had one of those nights where I just collapsed too. Love those hay bales. We saw some on our way out to my parents' in the country yesterday, and it amazes the kiddos every you dream in hay bales?
Amy - I would sleep, except for the menopause thing....signed, Bag Lady, secretary of FEPL (I can be secretary, can't I, if you are President?) :)
Emily - I'll see what I can do about decorating the hay bale. The video, maybe - I'll have to see how it turns out. (and the Cowboy already thinks I'm nuts...)
Reb - I CAN'T include the highway number sign - someone keeps stealing them!!
new*me - yup, sometimes I dream in hay bales, sometimes in calves....never sheep, though. Sigh.
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