The Bag Lady has an outdoor oven. She built it a couple years ago after reading some instructions she found on the Internet. It isn't exactly the prettiest of outdoor ovens - some of the ovens on the websites she looked at were very elaborate, and beautifully built. Others were more like hers; functional.

She uses hers for pizza parties in the summer, and for baking bread. Here are a couple of photos to show you what it looks like. These were taken before she did a little repair work on the front. Unfortunately, she hasn't got a picture of the oven as it is right now. It has been put to bed for the winter - she wraps it in a tarp to keep any moisture out because of the freeze/thaw cycle that afflicts us here. But these photos will give you a bit of an idea of what it looks like.
And feast your eyes on this:
mmmmmm....what kind of bread this that? Love the smell of fresh-baked bread. *drool*
Oh man, I bet that bread tastes so, so good!
I left some avocado recipes for you in the comments section of my blog. I hope they give you some good ideas!
Oh that looks so yummy...I love the smell and taste of fresh baked bread more than almost anything else... you have me drooling on my keyboard : )
Wow, that looks fabulous! I bet your pizzas are the best!
Adobe ovens similar to yours are common in the area where my father lives, although there isn't one on my family's property. I'd love to have one though, and learn how to use it!
If I built one here in Houston, it would have to be similar to yours. Adobe would melt in our rain and humidity.
OH, I am so jealous.
I bet they taste delicious...
Fresh-baked bread in the fresh country air. Dang. If it was summer, dfBag Lady, I'd be on my way to visit you.
Wow, I bet that tastes amazing!
Wow you are industrious. Adventurous even.
I am starting to feel that longing for summer too. And craving grapes. For some reason this time of year I always start craving grapes. Weird. And that has nothing to do with anything on your blog. Just came out of nowhere.
Mmmmm...grapes. And fresh Golden Delicious apples!
Getting hungry...
I really shouldn't have read this without eating first!
Sorry I haven't been around - it's been a busy day for some reason!
missicat - it's whole wheat bread. And it did smell fabulous.
SB - I'll slip over and have a look - thanks!
Emily - sorry about the drool..
BG - the pizza is wonderful! I was originally going to make my oven out of adobe, but it didn't work very well, so I used firebrick and cement. Much better for this climate.
Geo, dfLeah, & Sarah - it really is good - a hint of woodsy flavour.
We'll have to have a pizza/bread baking party...
Javachick - now that you say that, grapes DO sound good!
Sorry, Reb - hope you found something to eat.
The Cowboy is off work this week and wanted cake, so I've got a Butterscotch cake in the oven. Hope it tastes as good as it smells...
I can almost feel the warmth and smell that bread. I'll bet the pizza is amazing on that oven.
Hi, Hil: it certainly is fabulous - and cooks the pizza in about 2 minutes - the ultimate fast food!
That bread looks amazing and I bet the pizza is to die for too.
I'm jealous of all your friends and neighbors! A summer pizza party at Bag Lady's sounds like a blast.
Warning--some summer day you may be surprised by two scraggly looking American gals in a camper van showing up at your doorstep with a bottle of wine and very hopeful expressions.
Crabby - the Bag Lady is looking forward to it!! Wouldn't it be a blast to all get together (with all our blog-buddies!) and have a pizza party?! Good thing the Bag Lady has a big yard...
Crabby, swing by and pick me up along the way, please? Baggie, please set another place or two. ;)
The more the merrier!! Bring your tent...
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