The Bag Lady has been having a little computer trouble this morning. For some reason, her word processing package doesn't want to open, so she can't access the fabulous post she had prepared!! (what a liar - it wasn't all that fabulous, and wasn't all that well prepared!!) She is going to have to resort to her tried and true method of turning the computer off and on until the damned thing gets dizzy and starts co-operating again!
So she is going to wing it a little...(oh, like she doesn't usually wing it....ha!)
We are still experiencing spring-like weather conditions here, but, like all good things, it will probably come to an end early next week. It is supposed to be above freezing yet again today, which makes the Bag Lady very happy. Also makes her want to go outside and plant something, but she knows it's far too early for that! She has to content herself for a while longer with day-dreaming about all the lovely things she wants to put in her flowerbed and garden.
There is a cow out in the pasture who is starting to look like she is very close to calving, and the Bag Lady wishes she would get on with it and do it while the weather is nice. Of course, cows never co-operate, so the calf will probably be born in the midst of one of the snowstorms forecast for next week. The best the Bag Lady can hope for is that it isn't too cold.
The Bag Lady has also been working on paperwork. She cannot possibly express to you how much she hates doing accounting-type stuff. But putting it off doesn't seem to make it go away, so she has been pecking away at it. Sigh.
She will leave you with the following photo (from last year), and hopes you all have a great weekend!

Such a cute calf! Baby animals are the best. I once watched a documentary which explained how humans (and specifically women) are genetically programmed to think all baby creatures (babies, puppies, calves... ) are cute so that we will be more inclined to take care of them.
what a cute little calf! Too bad they grow up to be all big and stinky? Do cows have personalities like dogs and cats?
I'm glad you're enjoying the nice weather- it has been raining down here for 2 days and is cold (ok if cold is 40 degrees F.)
Hope you have a good weekend!
Well I hope this years calf comes soon. He looks so content!
Let's hope the cow is mooooootivated to give birth in the nice weather.
That really is a cute calf, and seems content, too.
Sarah - that's probably true. Otherwise, what would possibly motivate us to change a diaper?!
Emily - it's warmer here than it is there!! It's 49F here, according to my thermometer!
And yes, cows do have personalities; they are curious, or stubborn, or skittish...
Reb - it would be best if she had it when it's warm, but there's not much to do about it.
Hilary - you crack me up, as always!
dfLeah - he is a cutie, isn't he? It was nice and warm where he was, and he had a full tummy...perfect.
That is a smile inducing photo. My favorite kind! :)
That is one cute calf!!!
Awwww. Very cute photo.
So, um, paperwork doesn't disappear if you ignore it? Dang. That's what I was planning to do with our taxes this year.
Hope your cows and computer decide to cooperate and do their things when you need 'em too.
Do you have names for the cows?
What a happy cow.
I've never seen a cow that happy before. :)
Yup, he was a cutie!
SB - some of our older cows have names, but we have some heifers (2-year old cows that haven't calved yet) that aren't named. We sold most of our herd last spring, and almost all of them were named! We usually name them because of some characteristic that becomes apparent after they have their first calf.
Don't you hate computer trouble? My quick fix is to smash it with a hammer, but that gets a bit expensive!
Hi, Amy - that's always been a dream of mine...or at least a big temptation! If I ever win a million...
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