Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo-Finish Friday - A Year Ago.....

... this is what the Bag Lady was looking at!

She is happy to report that this long weekend, the weather is looking much better. The forecast is for some thunderstorms, perhaps, and maybe even some much-needed rain, but the temperature is supposed to remain in the low 20's, which suits the Bag Lady very well. She is hoping to get her garden in before it rains..... if it rains.

Have a great long weekend, all!


Leah J. Utas said...

OTOH, a raging god snowstorm would go a long way to dampening the fires.
Have a good weekend, BL.

the Bag Lady said...

Leah - true, but I'd rather have rain. Hope your weekend is good, too!

Leah J. Utas said...

While that should read "raging good" in this case "raging god" works. I think I'll let it stand.

the Bag Lady said...


Anonymous said...

At first I read "20 degrees" and was horrified... and then I realized you mean 20 degrees Celsius! Oh, yes, MUCH better!

Between your neck of the woods and the fires in West Texas, and then the floods many other places, it's been a rough spring. *sigh*

messymimi said...

Praying for rain to come your way, and none ours. We have floods right now, although our place is not in immediate danger. Up the road a few kilometers is a different story.

It always amazes me how things can be so different from year to year, yet the same cycle predominates.

Reb said...

I would much rather the rain too. Because really, so much for all our snow this winter and the "we need the moisture" comments.

Aleta said...

Wow.. we're going to reach 90 this weekend (humid too). Hard to think of cooler weather when we could melt outside. (The snowball stands are making a lot of money already.)

Levi said...

Quit living in the past!!!

David Barber said...

Whatever you say, that is a beautiful sight. Hope you get some sun soon, BL.

the Bag Lady said...

kcinnova - oops - guess I should have specified! Yes, it's a balmy 20C, which is quite pleasant.

messymimi - we just had a thunderstorm go through, and it rained.... for about 5 minutes. Probably all it did was start more forest fires!
Hope the floods recede soon in your area.

Reb - yes, it's crazy that it seemed like a lot of snow, yet didn't do much to ease the drought conditions.

Aleta - 90F and humid? Would probably kill me!

Janell - 'kay. Sorry.

David - thanks!

solarity said...

Wishing you as much rain as you need, and none too much! (Yes, some rain on the fires would be useful, too.) The rain here was such that I've given up on having a garden this year, although I'm about to plant some cayenne peppers in pots again. My neighbours were plowing when I got home from work this afternoon, because we've had three dry days after a week of rain.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

Mary Anne - we got a quarter of an inch of rain today! Something to rejoice about.
There is rain in the forecast for the beginning of next week - fingers and toes are crossed.
Hoping to get my garden in before the promised rain.

Redbush said...

OMG, I don't remember it being that cold, or snowy a year ago! Hopefully we'll keep getting the warmer temps, and a little more moisture. The snow can stay away for until next winter! I hope you get your garden in.

JavaChick said...

I'm glad you didn't get snow this weekend Bag Lady. We've been having near constant rain it seems; my yard and garden are too wet to do anything with so far.