First, you pick the dandelions.

Then you pour boiling water over them and let them sit for a couple of days

Then you add some fruit and sugar and spices

Then you strain it, let it cool, add the yeast, and let it sit overnight (the Bag Lady forgot to take a picture of that, but it was boring anyway - all it was doing was sitting there, bubbling occasionally like a miniature lava pool)
Then you pour it into bottles. Poke a few holes in some balloons, fit them on top of the bottles (easier said than done!) and watch the balloons rise up

Oh, and here is the (aforementioned dog) Princess, relaxing after a hard day helping the Bag Lady in the yard. (Chasing sticks and barking at birds and squirrels is exhausting!)

sounds really cool :) What does it taste like?
Bulmers is cider - the alcoholic kind. It's kind of like a fruitier, lighter lager. You can get it in Canada, but it's called Magner's there.
(and thanks POD for doubting)
I'm not kiddin' when I say a big thank you! That was the recipe my grandfather used and I’m a-jotting it down. Oh, and he was as happy as Princess afterwards everytime.
The dandelions look quite tasty in your photos. I'm sure your wine will be nummy. Dandelions are already good for us, with the added fruit, why, it'll be a health drink.
Christine - I don't know what it tastes like - hubby's mom made some years ago and he said it was good. Hopefully, we'll find out (in about 6 months!)
I will look for Magner's - I enjoy cider!
Carla - Skoal! So, have you booked your flight to come up in 6 months for the wine-tasting?
It will be ready right around my birthday!
David - if you want the actual recipe, I can give you that, too! (And I wondered if anyone would get the connection to the Princess's pose and the wine... good for you!)
dfLeah - y'know, that's exactly how I look at it - it's a health drink! (well, unless it doesn't work properly, then it'll be used next year as weed killer, or something! *snort*)
That looks yummy! Hope it doesn't explode :-)
Such a tough life a dog (or cat) has!!
Missicat - I hope it doesn't explode, too! What a mess it would make!
Yeah, all the pets are in the house this morning 'cause it's trying really hard to rain (three drops every minute or so!)
df Bag Lady,
Your talent is limitless!
Sounds like a very healthy brew to me with all that added fruit.
We'll all come round when it's ready to drink!
Mmmm... There are a lot of dandelions in Grant Park these days.
I hope the "wine" tastes as good licked off of walls and floors.
dfTerrie - well, I'm not sure yet if this experiment will work.... we'll see!
Dawn - book your flight for December. No, wait, it'll be winter here and summer there - maybe I should bring it to you! Hahahahahaha
Scrumpy - try to pick the ones the dogs haven't used! :)
POD - I hope I won't have to find out..... :)
You're my hero.
Princess is so cute!
Thanks Sagan! And the Princess knows all too well just how adorable she is (and takes full advantage of the fact!) :)
Those pictures are so cool! Loved it and yes, it did look like a condom. LMAO
Looks good Sis, I love Princess's pose! White this time for that chair?
Aleta - Glad you got a chuckle out of it!
Reb - haven't quite decided what to do about that chair. Definitely needs something done!
Looks like a great process. I now remember some wine in our root cellar exploding when I was a kid. Guess my family is not cut out to do any home brewing. Although my hubby makes great wine from kits...
Lil' Nana
Lil' Nana - I've often looked at those kits, but have always decided it's just cheaper to buy a bottle of wine. And way less work.... :)
This is more of an experiment!
Well huh. I feel much educated now! The balloon part especially was surprising. Enjoy!
Charlotte - I was getting my own education - having never done this before!
Be verry careful....hubby's mom is my Auntie and she was the instigator re: my bro and I making previous posted wine - which blew up in our mom's (dark/cool) closet after a few weeks of 'brewing/stewing'
Thanks for the warning, cuzzie! I really hope this stuff doesn't blow up in the closet I have it in - it would be hell to clean up!
I sure hope it doesn't blow up either, but think of the blog fodder...
I never doubted but I'm glad for those photos! I'd love to help you drink a bottle (when it's done) and relax on your deck with you. :)
kcinnova - I might have to save a bottle or two for next summer so all our blog-buddies can come andsit on the deck and drink dandelion wine! :)
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