The Bag Lady thought you might like to take a stroll through her yard with her today. We'll start with a peek at these little forget-me-nots in her flowerbed. She planted them several years ago, and is always happy to see them in the spring:

Around the back of the house, the wild roses (Alberta's provincial flower) are blooming in the bush:

It's evening, and the trees make long shadows across the back lawn:

Looking in a different direction is the firepit and the back of the outdoor oven:

Turning slightly, we can look across the lawn toward the garden:

And here is the front lawn:

The Bag Lady artfully ignored a good portion of her yard (the parts with all the weeds and mess!). These pictures were taken about a week ago, and she can't believe how dry things look in comparison! She has probably complained in previous posts about how long it takes her to mow her lawn, even though she uses a ride-on lawn mower, but if it doesn't rain soon, she won't have to worry about mowing! It seems to have stopped growing.
Have a great weekend!
All that snow and now you're baking! Hardly seems fair. Such a pretty garden though, wish I had one!
TA x
Bring on the weeds and the mess.
make ME feel better about neglecting my yard.
mondays post?
Ahh. That was nice. It was like being there in the wide open and the trees.
Excellent tour, df Bag Lady. And it's so good to see the roses in bloom.
That is a beautiful yard, Bag Lady. Being a person with a black thumb, I admire anyone who can grow plants, and yours are lovely.
Enjoyed the tour, Baggie. I love forget-me-nots too. They're umm memorable. ;)
My husband is so excited he doesn't have to mow anymore. Seems like perhaps he needs to be taking on some new chores around the house, now that I think about it...
TA - Definitely went from winter to summer with hardly any spring in between!
Miz - you post pictures of your yard first, 'kay? :)
dfLeah - thanks! I love the wild roses - they smell so fabulous! (Well, unless I'm stumbling through the bush and they are sticking me, then I curse them!)
Messymimi - thanks! I wish we had more trees that would blossom, but I don't seem able to get them to grow. Sigh.
Hilary - they are such pretty little flowers. But I keep forgetting they are there....
Scrumpy - yes, that is one thing about city-dwelling, isn't it? Less time spent on yardwork. He certainly needs to replace the lawn-mowing with something....perhaps vacuuming? :)
I love all the green (brown?) space you have.
I can imagine nights at the firepit are so relaxing...:)
Geo - thanks! It is still sorta kinda green.... with yellow tinges! But it is cold and cloudy today, so maybe we'll get some moisture. (Feels cold enough that it might come in the form of snow, though!)
Thanks for the tour! How beautiful!
Lovely tour Sis. I'm praying for rain right along with you. The owner of the complex has decided we must water now and the manager hasn't a clue about water conservation - ack!
Love the you have neighbors? No houses in sight! I can shake my neighbors hand from my bedroom window!!
Thanks for the tour! Forget-me-nots are my favorite flowers. Have a great weekend!
Who chunk of the planet. Must be nice to be so wealthy. Where is the picture of you guys on the riding mower or is that the butler who does it?
Missicat - glad you enjoyed it!
Reb - thanks - we could sure use some moisture.
TB - our nearest neighbour lives about a quarter of a mile away. The joy of living on a ranch!
Sagan - you're welcome! Forget-me-nots are such pretty little flowers!
Hope your weekend is great, too.
POD - the damned butler refuses to mow the lawn - says it's beneath him.....
well, doh - of course it's under you when you're riding on the lawn mower.....
Oooh, forget-me-nots, and wild roses, too!
Your yard looks like a wonderful place to set up croquet or perhaps play some bocce ball.
I kept trying to blow the clouds your way last week. Apparently I am lacking in lung capacity? (I'm pretty sure I'm okay in the hot air department.)
But since I can't send you rain, I just gave you a bit of linky love.
You know, I've always read about Forget Me Nots but I never knew what they looked like! They're beautiful!!
kcinnova - well, the clouds made it here, but they seem to be empty.... sigh.
Charlotte - they are such pretty little flowers, aren't they?
You are so lucky that your "forget-me'nots" only show up in spring and Alberta weather(summer) keeps them in check.
/several years ago my Mom/in/Law sent me seeds as a fund raiser for Alzheimers' and I had an ongoing battle for next 20 years and three house moves to keep them out of everywhere..."fingers crossed I don't think they have followed me across the Frasser" - but - knocking on wood.. after two years - I don't see one...however, always on the lookout'they are very pretty' but hardy little buggars
abby cuz
Hi, cuzzie! They do seem to have spread a little, but hopefully they'll keep the weeds down.... right? :)
Wow - the view from your porch is amazing.
Thanks, Expat! It's my favourite place to have my morning coffee!
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