She also spent some time working on a sewing project, but she's finding it difficult to concentrate on any one thing for very long. Short attention span. Must be the heat. Makes her lazy (any excuse will do).
She obviously doesn't have much to blog about. There are all kinds of things happening in her life right now, but nothing worthy of an entire blog post (she's pretty sure she could spin a tale about her potatoes growing an entire inch overnight, if she really set her mind to it, but it's too hot to think.) Maybe she should have been wearing a hat when she was outside......
She'll leave you with a picture of a cake she baked last week.

for some reason I love the routine stuff which makes up life.
I think Id adore the tater post.
mmmm...what kind of cake is that? Any left?
mmmmm...cake. Your posts are entertaining even when you think they ain't. 'Tis the way of you.
I'm with MizFit - the way you live is so different than the way I live that your "boring" is my "well, huh!"
To all of us office dwellers there is nothing boring about your life! I'd love to just spend a day doing chores & then lazing around the ranch... feel free to come work in my air conditioned jungle & deal with people all day- some are a pleasure some will make you want to pull your hair out. At least the cows are consistent (unless calving LOL)
Miz - It definitely is routine around here!
Missicat - it was a white cake with toasted coconut on top. Yup, there's a couple pieces left....and some ice cream!
dfLeah - thanks! That's very kind of you to say.
Charlotte - oh, I don't know - you'd probably find it pretty boring after a day or two.
Emily - I might take you up on that, if only for the air conditioning! It's pretty warm here right now..... Oh, wait... you said I'd have to deal with people? Ummm, err,.... thanks, anyway! :)
Your weather goes from one extreme to the other doesn't it? It seems like it stayed cold and snowy much longer, then skipped directly to summer. Last week it was damp & chilly here, this week the sun is shining and it's warm but nowhere near too hot.
We're supposed to get rain again tomorrow. If it was within my power to give it to you instead, I most certainly would.
That toasted coconut topping looks yummy, the frosting looks luscious, and CAKE!!
I was just thinking last night that your garden is probably growing at a phenomenal rate. A post with pictures is requested! (And we love spuds!)
And, as someone who likes to take on corporations, you need to pop over and hear about military housing. We're trying to change the world via blogging.
I think the city is close to putting out water restrictions again. Of course, most people in the complex wouldn't care if they did.
The cake looks lovely.
I baked a cake last week too! Yours is prettier than mine though. Presentation is tricky. What's the sewing project??
JavaChick - our weather certainly does. It was a mere week ago I was complaining about how chilly it still was.... I am not complaining about the heat - it will be gone soon enough!
kcinnova - I will try to get some pictures of the garden posted soon (need to finish weeding first!!)
And I will pop over soon.
Reb - the fire bans are on around here. Haven't heard of any water restrictions yet, but they will probably come soon if we don't get rain. (Although it IS in the forecast.)
Sagan - aw, thanks - I'm betting yours is pretty, too.
I'm sewing a baby quilt, and was working on a baby bib, but it wasn't going so well. Have some baby clothes to make, too. (Gee, does it sound like there might be a baby somewhere in my life? :))
Come up with something from your youth.
Think back to the days of yore.
Come on. You can do it.
POD - who wants to hear about the age of (the dinosaur) Aquarius?
I'll argue that, Bag Lady! I'm visualizing the potatoes growing an inch because I'm arguably a visual learner. It would be great to video them growing in fast forward! Hehe! Delicious looking cake! I've been hoping the clouds would do something to because we'll be hauling water soon for my hundreds of plants if it doesn't!
I meant too, not to! And, arguably you're the most ambitious person I know! Take a break! Put your feet up! Let the rancher pamper you and bring you breakfast in bed!
mmmmm....that cake looks good. It's hot here too...
The daily tidbits are what make it on a ranch is just so neat :)
That cake looks delicious. Now that Greg and I have given up sweets, it looks - TOO good!
:-) Enjoyed your post - not boring at all!
NOT boring.
I believe coconut should be involved in all baking adventures! BL I had a dream about you last night! We were going to meet up at this big cooking conference but we kept getting thwarted by the FBI because they were after me and I had to make a break for it over the fence.... !
TA x
Thanks, Redbush! I can almost visualize the Rancher waiting on me.... hehehehehehe.
Geo - thanks. It is great, living on the ranch!
Aleta - thanks. I don't eat a lot of sweets, either, but the Rancher likes them.
Thanks, Melissa.
TA - that cracked me up! I can't believe you were dreaming about me! You must have been eating too much coconut....
I'm willing to argue with you! You're never boring and that cake looks drool-worthy! Slurp!
Thanks, Hilary!
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