After the Rancher and his brother and the Bag Lady finished up with the calves, and the Bag Lady's aborted attempts at photographing the deer and fawn, the Rancher and the Bag Lady decided to take a drive to another piece of family property to see if there were any ducks to photograph.
There were a few ducks, but they were not co-operative at all, and kept flying to the other side of the dugout, so the Bag Lady contented herself with a couple of pictures of the reflection of the trees in the water.

By this time, it was after 10 pm, and the sun was starting to set, which made quite a difference in the light quality, depending on which direction the Bag Lady was standing when she took the pictures. It was a lovely, calm
mosquito packed evening, which made for some very nice pictures.

Oh, and earlier in the day, the Bag Lady had gone out to weed the garden, and had pulled some radishes that had volunteered from last years' seed.

Now we are caught up with what happened on Tuesday around the ranch. The Bag Lady will try to get organized enough to post some more pictures tomorrow of the events of the rest of the week...
Sounds like the quite the day. The pictures with the reflection of the trees in the water makes me think of camping and canoeing in the lake. :)
The late evening pic of the dugout is so soothing. I'd love to camp beside it, mosquitoes be hanged.
Very pretty! I am annoyed too that wildlife just WON'T sit still for my camera! :-) Though I am sure I could have snapped a pic of the turtle I had to jump over on the running trail earlier this week..if I had my camera!
JavaChick - we were actually discussing just that - camping there!
dfLeah - Bug spray. And a smudge. And enough beer to make you forget the mosquitoes! :)
Missicat - I try to take my camera everywhere, but it never fails, if I forget it, I'll see something photo-worthy - like the geese with their babies all in a row the other day, trying to cross the highway! They changed their minds, thank heavens!
I can not get over how light it is there! Do you find yourself sleeping less & less as the days get longer? We haven't had such a drastic difference but I still find myself going to sleep later & waking up earlier. Geez, I don't know if I could adjust to such a huge difference!
Emily - I've lived here most of my life, so don't have too much trouble adjusting. But yes, I find I sleep less in the summer, which means hardly at all, because I don't sleep much in the winter, either!
GMO radishes. Damn, those are some big ones.
I have some volunteer spaghetti squash from two years ago.
Lovely reflections, Bag Lady! That would work for a wonderful piece of artwork! I've really been trying to catch a movie of Ms. Robin feeding her family, but she won't cooperate either. I've been contemplating trying to photograph geese and their babies at a pond close to a store near us. I know, however, that they can be quite protective, so, I'm a little chicken. Booock,booock!
POD - Actually those radishes are GMSnow radishes. They do far better if I let them volunteer - the ones I plant always end up woody and full of worm holes.
Redbush - thanks! Those ducks and snipes at the dugout simply would not cooperate, either!
Good luck with your robin video.
Beautiful reflections! You're going to have to start sending in more photographs to competitions :)
Those are lovely photos Sis. too bad you didn't catch the ducks, maybe next time.
I don't think I've ever seen such still reflective water. The pictures are fabulous.
Sagan - thanks! It was just begging to have it's picture taken!
Reb - Thanks. It's a big dugout, and the ducks were really small.... kept leaving and going to the other side of the water!
Lois - Thanks! Glad you like them. It was perfectly still that evening, so a great opportunity presented itself.
I love that reflection shots.. beautiful. And I'm envious of your long, late daylight hours. Though winter would sure be another story. :)
GORGEOUS!!!!!! I see another photo prize in your future!
I like the pictures and still can't get over how much sun you have in the sky that late in the afternoon, or rather.. night.
Thanks, Hilary! That's why this is my favourite time of year!
Lucas - that's very kind of you to say!
Aleta - It's great to have these long days. And I'm going to post some pictures of the garden soon.....
Love the beautiful water reflection pictures! Sometimes you get the best pictures when you're hoping for something else entirely.
And I'm not usually a big radish fan, but those look tasty!
Crabby - thanks! I was lucky to get those pictures.
And I love radishes, but they don't always treat me well....
Impressive reflections! And if I was there with you, you probably would get bit by mosquitoes at all. They LOVE me.
kcinnova - they love me, too! They don't bother the Rancher, though. I must have better blood.....
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