The Bag Lady goes out early every morning to check the cows, looking for new calves. This is one of the sights she sees on her early morning forays (the dugout where the cows go to drink)

Here is the latest addition to the herd:

And the Bag Lady spotted a flock of swans flying over the ranch the other day. She did her best to take a photo of them (but got mostly sky, which is why it is an unusual shape - she tried to crop it to make it easier to see the swans.)

Thanks to Hilary for correctly identifying the logo on the grass seeder as a Lely. If you haven't seen Hilary's blog, check it out because you are really missing out on some fabulous photographs!
Cute calf, nice shot of the dugout and Yay! Swans!
wow I had no idea it was really a logo.
I thought it was just a word...someones name?
Awww look at the cutie! I love their noses.
What a sweet little calf! And I love seeing birds flying in formation. Thanks for sharing the photos!
That calf is adorable! What a sweet little face:)
Swans! You got them!
Mary Anne in Kentucky
What a cutie.. Whitecap! Thanks so much for the shout out, Baggie. :) That logo mystery was fun.
Good work with the swan pic and I love the dugout reflections.
That calf is a born ham.
That's one heck of a gorgeous sky you've got :) And such a cute calf! I think it wants a name. Hehe.
Thanks, sis! Finally got a pic. of the swans. Not a GOOD picture, but a picture all the same! :)
Miz - yes, it was a real logo - and by the looks of things, they haven't changed the design of the seeder very much! (which helped me verify that it IS a Lely)
Christine - thanks! I know - their noses are so cute!
Crabby - thanks. I always want to fly with them when I see birds flying in formation! (especially in the fall, when they are heading south....)
Charlotte - Thanks! His momma was very protective, so had to take the photo from quite a distance. Thank heavens for zoom...... :)
Mary Anne in Kentucky - Finally! Not a great picture, but you can tell they are birds! :)
Hilary - I know you love a challenge, and I'm glad you figured it out for us! Thanks!
dfLeah - ummm... he's actually a born beef.... *snicker!* But thanks! :)
Sagan - he is a cutie isn't he? Should I hold a naming contest? :)
Cute calf! I love his white "cap"!
He does need a name!
Missicat - I'm thinking Hilary already nailed it with 'Whitecap'! What do the rest of you think?
I think Whitecap fits perfectly!
You will not convince me that the seeder didn't say 'JESUS'. Who is this Hilary person!?!?! Is she anti-Jesus or anti-seeders?
Please name the new calf "JESUS" in honor of the grass seeder.
Praise the Lard!
Obviously I don't agree with Whitecap. ;-)
I love Whitecap...even the brown across his eyes & nose makes a W!
Ahhh! I love your dugout photo! Can I borrow it to add to my watercolor reference. What a sweet little new one! She looks so comfy and relaxed. Mommy must be nearby! Thanks for sharing the swan pictures too!
Do you name your calves?
My parents used to name the girl calves but not the boys, because they kept the girls and sold the boys. They named the first ones after all their granddaughters. (A cow named Sylvia...somehow that makes me smile.)
POD .. anti Jesus? Not exactly. I ain't Christian though.. BUT I'm certainly not anti seeder. I've attended MANY Passover seeders over the years. ;) So keep the lard out of this. It's not supposed to be in my diet. :)
It's not at all fair of you to be so hilarious. I don't have time for another blog to read! ;)
Baggie hush her up and name that calf Jaysus, willya? (unless of course you prefer the superior name of Whitecap, of course).
Snort.. name wars on Baggies blog.
Come to think of it, maybe the mystery word on the seeder said Passover and not Jesus. Either way, it's way more interesting than those other suggestions like Levy etc.
How original, NOT!
I'm laughing my ass off here - jeez, louise, you gals have been having fun arguing over what to call that calf while I've been slaving away, peeling old paint off furniture so I can refinish it!
Reb - it does make a W, doesn't it?
Redbush - of course you can borrow that picture for your file!
Melissa - we usually don't name the ones we aren't keeping. Last year I named all of the calves after bloggers..... this year, the calves have been so slow in arriving that it hasn't been as much fun.
Hilary and POD - you are cracking me up!! This calf is actually a male, so he will eventually be sold, so his name is more than likely going to be Sir Loin....
Giggling over all the fun here!
Surely Hilary earned naming privileges.
So are you naming calves after your blogging fans this year?
Not that I'm begging or anything...
kcinnova - the things these girls get up to around here somedays! *giggle*
Of course I can name calves after bloggers who want one named after them! I wasn't sure anyone would want to do that again this year. If you are interested in having a calf named after you, just let me know (and tell me what name you want it to have)
Well of course you should have a very handsome calf named Casanova (which is how I pronounce my blogging name). I'd be honored! (Or should I write "honoured" instead?) I didn't know you last spring, so I missed out on the experience.
My uncle always let us know when we were eating meat from one of his animals. He'd say, "This is Lucy." and we'd tell him that Lucy was delicious! I'm telling you this so you won't feel bad telling me about my namesake's fate...
Well, then, the next male calf will be called Casanova, just for you! :)
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