The Bag Lady heard the dog barking excitedly outside earlier today, then the Rancher called her on the intercom and told her to come outside. She grabbed her camera and ran out to see what the excitement was all about. It was this:
(click on any of the pictures to enlarge them)
Now this beetle doesn't look like much, and for those of you who live in warmer climates, it probably isn't all that remarkable. What makes it remarkable for the Rancher and the Bag Lady is it's size. This is the biggest beetle either of them have ever seen. It measures 2 inches from it's head to it's tail and is an inch across.

The Bag Lady took a picture of it, then went inside and got a plastic container to put it in. She threw a little bit of grass and water in with it and took a couple more pictures.

She even watched while it stuck it's elephant like snout into the water and sucked some up.\

The Bag Lady is wondering if anyone out there can identify this beetle. She and the Rancher think it's probably far from home, because it is so freakin' huge!!
No, I can't identify it but I can tell you that once in Arkansas I was about 50 yards from the backyard, looking out of my back window, and I watched as a wolf spider walked across the yard. Now that's a big wolf spider.
EEEUUUWWW..... I have a spider phobia.... I would have moved away. Seriously.
That's one of the things that keeps me here in this cold climate - I really, really don't like big bugs!!
Oh my. Oh. my. I have no love of bugs.
Although, I did read the first line of the entry as saying you heard the dog barfing excitedly. Was a bit confused...
Gena - that cracked me up! Maybe I should change it.... :)
I'd barf excitedly if I saw a beetle that big too!
I find over-sized bugs fascinating as long as they don't get too close.
Crabby - I almost did barf excitedly! I've never seen such a huge bug!!
Oh. That is so cool. But you can keep it. I don't want it. :)
Nope - it doesn't come from New Zealand. We don't have any very big bugs here - oh, except for the native weta, but most of us have never seen one of those.
I'm pleased you didn't harm it just because you don't like it. Ever noticed how some folk do. Tut, tut!
df Bag Lady, I just realized you had a post up. Sorry.
Meanwhile, I showed your lovely new pet to Mike. It is his position that it is not a beetle, but rather a bug proper. A June Bug, in fact.
In their own buggy way they're kind of cute.
I hope the excited barfing is kept to a minimum.
Georgie - it IS cool, but I don't really want it, either!
Dawn - I have noticed how fear of the unknown drives people to do terrible things.
EEwww! Here is a site, you can email the photo to and they will id it for you. Or you can look through and see if they have already done so.
dfLeah - sorry, we must have posted simultaneously, and then the phone rang and I had to leave. A June bug? But...but.... it's not JUNE yet!! :)
Reb - thanks - I will see if I can get it identified that way!
But now I must run back to town....
I'm trying to find where I thought I posted a photo of one of these critters a couple of years back, but it might well have been before I started blogging. I was thinking that it's a Goliath beetle.But now I see that you've already identified it as a Giant Water bug so.. never mind. ;)
Hilary - Okay.
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