"Hmmm, I wonder how strong that shelf is...?"

Obviously, not strong enough to resist the Bag Lady pulling on it.
She needs to rearrange her laundry room and wondered if that shelf was strong enough to hold all the large containers of laundry supplies that she buys in bulk.
Guess not.
So I said to my shelf "Shelf, ..."
haha, poor you and your shelf! I do the same thing...test the limits of storage space! there's never enough!
*raises hand*
hope the day got better and this week is....one where the guest ups and leaves? :)
Heh aw that's too bad. I've done that sort of thing but with bags... "how heavy of an item can I stick in this thing... whoops there goes the strap".
Oh dear. I would SO do that.
But at least you got a really funny picture and a blog post about it!
Any shelf that gives you a blog post has got to be given a little leniency!
You don't know until you try.
And you'll never have to ask that again.
Your post & photo with Hilary's comment... LOL
I block out memories like that. Maybe I should blog them instead!
Oh no! Blame it on the cat. That's what I do!
That's nothing...We had our entire master bedroom closet structure collapse. Husband was out at the time and I heard this noise...Puzzling...Went looking and found the entire contents of the closet on the floor.
WELL...last night the wind blew a picture off the wall, which landed on a plastic-drawer-from-Walmart, which broke. The picture's glass was unharmed. That's not something I did, but it left me shaking my head.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Oh My! And on top of you new washer? It will be strong enough when you fix it though right?
Hilary - that cracked me up! Thanks!
Rupal - That is so true. There is never enough storage... or... I have too much stuff. Hmmm....
Carla - You, too? I'm glad I'm not alone. And I'll know more after Thursday....
Sagan - oh yes, I've done that one, too!
Crabby - I debated about admitting how dumb I was.... but then realized most of you know that by now! :)
Dawn - I did give it another chance, simply because it gave me a blog post! :)
dfLeah - good point. And it's always good to test things, right?
kcinnova - Hilary can always be counted on to make us smile! And blogging about the dumb things we do makes us seem human, right? Right?!
Missicat - why didn't I think of that?! :)
JavaChick - OMG! That would have scared the crap outta me, to say nothing about how pissed off I would have been!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - that is a head-shaker! Tough glass in that picture!
Reb - it actually landed on my old dryer. Left a little tiny mark - hardly noticeable.
And yes, it is stronger now. I should have remembered how I attached it - after all, I'm the one who put it there.
But this incident encouraged me to tear the entire room apart, clean everything and wash the walls. Took me all day.
When I finished, hubby went in and looked and said "It looks exactly the same!"
Sometimes you just cant improve on perfection.....
or something like that.
"Gentleman we can rebuild him. Better...Stronger..."
Eep. glad you weren't near it when it came off.
That happened in the lab here last week...too many books on one tiny shelf :) Must be something in the air...
Hopefully the "new" shelf will be more secure. There's something satisfying in knowing things have been organised and cleaned isn't there? :)
Geo - that cracked me up! I wish I'd thought of saying that.
Yes, I used much longer screws to hold it this time.
But then I put everything back together exactly the way it had been - it just seems to work best that way.
LOL, I'd say the shelf does not pass the weight test : )
Emily - not even close! It is much stronger now, though. I used longer screws to put it back together! Ha. Next time I pull on it, I'll probably pull the cupboard beside it off the wall, too! Hahahaha
Yep, plenty of those days. I tend to "rack, pack and stack" a shelf full.
I'd throw all that stuff on the floor.
Hilary's comment killed me.
I am dead.
I tried to comment on this last night but a good commercial came on the tv. I got distracted.
POD - All that stuff is now neatly back on the shelf.
Hilary always kills me. Good thing I'm so resilient.
:D LOL!!!
But at least you got an answer to your question, right? And the answer is NO, that shelf is not strong enough for all of your bottles of laundry soap. Next question??????
Georgie - glad I made you smile!
Lucas - too true! Although, the shelf is stronger now - I used much longer screws when I put it back up, but I still don't think it's strong enough for those enormous jugs of detergent!
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