The Rancher and the Bag Lady made a little day trip today to a town a couple of hours away to pick up the Rancher's uncle. He had surgery several weeks ago, and is back in town for some follow-up treatment. He will be staying with the Rancher and the Bag Lady, so the Bag Lady will be busy helping him get to appointments and such.
The trip was fraught with sightings of swans, but unfortunately, the Bag Lady was not quick enough on the draw with her camera, so you'll just have to take her word for it! She saw swans on three separate ponds, as well as a sandhill crane in yet another location. She did manage to get a picture of a field full of buffalo..... (click on the picture to enlarge)

Her computer time might be slightly infringed upon by her house guest, so try not to have too much fun without her, okay?
We'll try to behave while you're busy, it'll be hard though. Love the photo of the bison - not to mention the subtitle ;)
ahh, I spent some time in Scotland this past weekend and thought of you! We saw lots of fields of cows, sheep, etc. It was lovely! I will have to send you some pics when I get organized enough to download them! We saw the highland cows with the long fur (is that what you would call it?) They were my particular fav :)
Hope you are well BL!
Youre so kind, BL, to help out the Ranchers uncle like that.
We shall be kind as well and sit here cracking nary a smile until youve returned.
Reb - I know how difficult it will be to get along without me, but I'm sure you can manage!
Rupal - I had one of those Highland cows once! Thought it was so cute with it's long hair and blue eyes! The Rancher thought otherwise, unfortunately.... I didn't get to keep her long.
Miz - I'm so glad I won't miss out on any fun stuff! Thanks! (Must now get dressed and go out in the SNOW to check cows...!!)
Fun w/o the Bag Lady?! N'est pas possible!
Love the buffalo pic. Good luck with the house guest.
dfLeah - aw, shucks. Glad to hear you feel that way.
And thanks - I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of luck.
df Bag Lady,
And to think the buffalo came close to extinction!
Just a heads up, on Wednesday over at Women of Mystery, Clare will be announcing a book give away by a well known author through the WoM blog. And yes, entrants may be from the US or CANADA!! Hooray!!!!!
Don't forget to stop by and try your luck.
dfTerrie - yes, the buffalo have been brought back from the brink, fortunately!
And thanks for the heads-up! I'll try to get over there tomorrow. :)
Ok, I almost missed the "house full of shit" comment. LMAO
Aleta - glad you did manage to catch it! :)
Loved the title of the posting and glad you followed it up with a pic. Gorgeous! too bad about the swan ... next time! Vee at
A field of buffalo! Great picture - have to say we don't get fields of buffalo here in the D.C. area very often. My boring wildlife consists of ducks and squirrels.
Is a group of buffalo a "herd"? or a "pack"???
Aren't you lucky! A house guest and a house full of buffalo! Hehe! What an interesting turn on the song! Now I'll never be able to think of it the way I used to, never mind get it out of my head! Too funny! Great buffalo photo!
Double good luck with your house guest! You're just tooooo kind! Really!
I forgot! There's a lot of different expressions associated with the sh-t word. No sh-t! Holy sh-t! Don't give me any sh-t! Don't sh-t me now! All you get is sh-t! When I was in Greece, they were selling t-shirts with 101 expressions using the word sh-t. I should have bought one for you if I'd have known you then! Do any of these suit your situation at the moment?!
Vee - thanks! Glad you enjoyed the buffalo picture.
Missicat - I'm pretty sure it's called a herd of buffalo. Do you know that old routine (probably Abbott and Costello)?
"There's a bunch of cows"
"Not a 'bunch', a 'herd'"
"Herd of what?"
"Herd of cows."
"Of course I've heard of cows!"
Redbush - Sorry about sticking that song in your head!
Thanks for the good luck wishes!
And yes, probably all of those fit my situation right now..... :)
How dare you have house guests and neglect us?!? LOL, have a good time with your visit!
Love to see the buffalo!
Did you say 'house guest' or hospice?
Emily - you could come visit, too! It would be fun!
SB - glad you liked them!
POD - there's a difference??!
As long as your house guest isn't a herd of roaming buffalo, I think you'll be okay (except for that limited blog time... I hate it when that happens!)
Can I stay there the next time I have surgery? You could open up a bloggers rehab facility. ;)
kcinnova - hey, now there's an idea! Do you have medical insurance that would cover "ranch rehab"? teehee
Big-hearted you. :)
We might just do a bit of painting while your back is turned..
Hilary - paint away! The place could use a facelift! :)
Totally promise not to have any fun while you're offline! It will be all broccoli and burpees at Cranky Fitness. I'll save the champagne and cupcakes until you return!
Just peeking in....
Thanks, Crabby - I'm sorry to be missing out on the broccoli and burpees, really I am!!! :)
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