The Bag Lady had big plans for a video for you today, but her computer had other ideas. Freakin' thing won't let her load the pictures from her camera into her computer, so there goes that plan!
Instead, she will share some cuteness with you. Here is the Rancher, with a friends' grand-daughter, going out to look at the baby calves (Grandpa is keeping a close eye on things off to the left.)

She had to be carried back from the pasture because her rubber boots gave her a blister, but she was pretty excited about those baby cows! And a Bandaid fixed the blister.
Have a great weekend.
I laughed at the carried back as that is TOTALLY what would happen around here.
Toddler has a Papa Joe (who is just a friend) who lives on a ranch here in TX and she LOVELOVELOVES heading there for the day and seeing the animals.
So cute!
And ah, I remember fondly the days when most of my medical complaints could be fixed with a band-aid.
Ain't so easy now!
I would excited about seeing a baby calf too! Though I doubt anyone could carry me back if I got a blister....
Nice pic. And baby cows are always exciting.
Miz - I'm glad the Toddler has somewhere she can go to see animals!
Crabby - yeah, they don't make Band-aids large enough anymore, do they?
Missy - oh, I dunno - the Rancher is tougher than he looks! *snort*
dfLeah - thanks. We should have new baby calves soon. They are just taking their own sweet time arriving.
Ah, I love to see a man who knows how to take care of business hold a little girl's hand. Something about the rough and tumble type showing their softer side I suppose. (And I have no clue if your Rancher is one of those types, it is just the first thing that came to mind when I saw the cute pic.)
SB - you nailed it exactly! That old cowboy comes across as tough as rawhide, which is why I thought the picture of him holding onto that little pink-clad girl was so cute! (But don't tell anyone he's a real softie, 'kay? Don't want to ruin his reputation!)
That's so sweet. I love to see men looking after kidlets. There's something tender and heartwarming about it. And Grandpa looks way too young.
Hilary - I love it, too! And yes, grandpa is wa-ay too young!
That is so cute...the tough old rancher - yeah!
Reb - yup - tough guy! Hehehehehe
I bet she had both of those grandpa-types wrapped around her little finger! :)
kcinnova - how on earth did you know that? :)
Which one is the toddler?
Depends on how much beer they have consumed..... :)
How sentimental! The little one is a cutie! Actually, the rancher and grandpa look like they are enjoying themselves immensely! Did they do a good cow check, or did they take a rain check? HeHe! Yes, rancher and grandpa look too young! O.K. the rancher can pay me later!
Redbush - I'll let the Rancher know he owes you! :)
df Bag Lady,
Men enjoying a little girl during springtime on the farm. I imagine that it doesn't get any better than that.
dfTerrie - you are SO right! Isn't that the cutest picture?!
I do so understand about uncooperative cameras and computers!
I love your new header - just the thing for calf season.
Dawn - it's so frustrating when things don't go as planned! Thanks for the compliment about my header - sister, Reb, designed it for me!
AWWW so cute indeed.
Sagan - it is cute, isn't it?
Bandaids cure EVERYTHING! It's amazing! (She's a cutie.)
Amy - Band-aids are the best! And certainly seemed to do the trick with her!
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