Some of these are a couple weeks old, but she thought she would share them with you anyway because
The river valley a couple weeks ago was ablaze with colour:

The Bag Lady turned off the highway the other day and there were three deer standing there, looking at her. By the time she got her camera turned on, the mother and the other twin had left, but this little one was lagging a little:

The trees along the river:

Yesterday, the Bag Lady had to go to town. On her way home, she passed this buffalo farm. She has passed it on many occasions, and has often hoped that conditions would be right to take pictures (the buffalo would be close to the fence, there would be no traffic, allowing the Bag Lady to stop and take a picture). Finally, yesterday, it happened!

The Bag Lady has a full plate every day!
I suppose those vistas make putting up with your winter worth it. How beautiful.
I heard an interesting interview on NPR this morning about farming and our food supply that made me think of you. It's an hour-long, so I know you probably don't have time for it, but I'll post the link just in case...
Great pics - but now "Home on the Range" is running through my head...whheeerreee the buffalo rroooaaaammm..
Baby buffalo really are cute. Nice arrangement of fall photos, dfBag Lady. Thanks.
wow! Fall sure is beautiful up there...of course I wouldn't want to experience it knowing the winter conditions that loom ahead : )
Such a blue blue sky!
Love how the sun is just in the corner of that first one.
I love fall!!
I love the deer. I know they can be pests in some areas, but when you almost never get to see one outside a zoo, they're special.
Wow the leaves don't last long do they? Talk about fleeting beauty!
Hope your full day goes OK Bag Lady.
I have a joke for you...
How do you tell the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
You can't wash you hands in a buffalo!
TA (who hopes this isn't a silly joke which only Brits get...) x
reminds me of when we lived in Colorado and a place I worked at had buffalo burgers......they were pretty yummy!
Aww that fawn is so cute. I've only ever seen a deer in the wild once.. and that was just a couple of years ago. Everyone around me sees them.. points them out and I miss them.. for decades. Finally I saw one. They're quite wonderful. :)
I LOVE that sky in the second to last photo.
so calming.
hope you had a good day, BL.
Im with scrumpy. you work yer arse off EVERY DAY!
Wow, I turn my back for a minute and look at all the visitors!
The Bag Lady has been head down and arse up all day, doing laundry and working on crafts....
SB - Hopefully, I'll have time sometime soon to listen - thanks for the link.
Missicat - Give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and I'll show you a house full of shit.....
dfLeah - thanks! That little baby buffalo was so darned cute - too bad they grow up.
Emily - according to the forecast, we might be experiencing winter tomorrow, but it's hard to believe that today - the sun is shining and the sky is incredibly blue!
Sagan - thanks. I had a hard time convincing the sun to be in that exact spot! :)
TB - it was really pretty here last week - this week, not so much.
BG - I never get tired of seeing the wildlife around here. Even when the deer are breaking my bird feeders!
TA - it took me a minute, but I got it, I got it!! Hehehehe
Annette - buffalo burgers ARE good, and good for you!
Hilary - really?! I guess that's the difference between living in a big city and living out here. We see them quite regularly.
Miz - thanks! I only wish that working my arse off meant my arse was disappearing.....~~sigh~~
Great photos Sis. At least it was daylight and you were able to see the deer.
Buffalo in the paddocks! Now that we DON'T have in New Zealand. We're chock full of boring old dairy cows!
Loved reading about your farming activities over the last few days.
Reb - that's so true!! If it had been dark, there might have been a different story!
Dawn - There are buffalo farms, elk farms, deer farms and llama or alpaca farms in this area.
Glad you liked my farming tales!
Great photos! It is a great time of year for scenery, that's for sure.
Thanks, Javachick!
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