On the left are the beginnings of one of the peonies, and behind the daffodil is a hollyhock just starting to appear.
The Bag Lady did a lot of weeding, which entailed a lot of bending over, so she really stretched her hamstrings. She can feel them a little bit today, but is sure that with a little more weeding they will be fine. Thank goodness for yoga!
Nice, bright bit of life and colour to start the week.
Seeing your flowers grow is so gratifying, isn't it?
Loved checking out the new arrivals over the weekend - any more on the way?
Encouraging to see flowers blooming - spring can't be far away...
Isn't it great to see things starting to grow? I think I finally planted daffodils last fall...I am seeing green shoots and having vague memories of crawling around planting bulbs...But no where near blooming yet, though I'm seeing plenty in other people's yards.
dfLeah - you're welcome! Happy to brighten your day.
SB - love the first cheery blooms to show up! And the next, and the next....
Missicat - there MIGHT be a calf today, but not positive yet.
Javachick - I think sometimes it takes awhile for them to get established - these daffodils didn't bloom last year (after I planted them the previous fall), just produced foliage.
Ah there you go.. you were just lamenting the absence of flowers and buds and now you have them. :)
Weeding.Yuck! I'm so lazy I sit my happy ass on the ground to weed the flower beds. I'd rather get dirty than have to bend over for so long : )
Hilary - and very happy about it, I am, too!!
Emily - I sit on the ground some of the time, but there was a large ant hill in the centre of the peony bush, and I didn't want ants crawling on me!
Pretty! We have flowers all year long around here, but I don't think we appreciate them like you folks do up north.
I love those first peeks of flowers.
it reminds me how precious and FRAGILE life is.
df Baglady,
Don't you love it when spring has finally sprung!
BG - We do probably appreciate them more, simply because we don't have them year round! At least, I certainly do!
Mizfit - that's so true - it is a reminder of the circle of life!
dfTerrie - goodness, it's been a zoo around here this morning! I didn't see your comment when I dashed through earlier - sorry!
It must be spring here now - things are getting busier! All sorts of running around and doing this and that, and the leaves are starting to pop, which is supposed to be potato-planting time...not gonna happen today. Or tomorrow...
Lovely daffs Sis! I will have to see if my neighbours are coming up. Two of the four perennials I planted last year survived, well, one for sure, I have to get on my knees to check the other.
Reb - my perennials are doing well. And so are the dandelions and crab-grass!! Need a young'un to do the weeding....
Pretty flowers! Having plants in a pot just isn't the same. Silly condos.
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