Named in honour of Hilary, who has the incredible blog, The Smitten Image, here is SMITTY!
(He is about 15 minutes old in this video clip)
And, named for Missicat, who is a faithful reader, and needs to start her own blog (hint), we present MISSICALF!

The Bag Lady is having a wee bit of a rough weekend. She fell off the deck and whacked her head on the step - and no, she wasn't drunk - probably wouldn't have hurt herself if she had been! She was standing on the bench, watching a cow calving in the pasture, and when she stepped off the bench, she stepped where there was no deck! Fell backwards, whacked her head on the step, then did a double back-flip down the stairs! She laid there for a few minutes, grateful there were no witnesses to her gracefulness...
Then the horse that she was rooting for in the Kentucky Derby came in second, but she broke both her ankles and had to be put down! At least the Bag Lady didn't have to be put down...all she got was a nice goose-egg on her head and a few colourful bruises!
Can't wait to see what else the day has in store for her....
df Bag Lady - What a silly thing to do. Glad you're all right.
Get yourself checked out. Goose eggs are nothing to ignore.
Smitty and Missicalf are fine figures of baby bovines.
dfLeah - the Bag Lady is fine. Well, except for the goose egg. And the bruises. And the stiffness she is sure to experience tomorrow morning.
Silly doesn't begin to cover it!
Yikes Baggie. You're not supposed to bend over backwards to get these calf pics.. at least not literally. ;)
Smitty is adorable. My blog name bovinified! Thanks.. and feel better fast!
Hilary - glad you like him! He's a fairly big brute!
I'm glad you're okay, but if anything seems a little "off" over the next day or two, be sure to get your brain checked out! :-)
BG - thanks for your concern! 'Course, it might be hard to tell if anything is wrong, 'cause I'm always a little "off"...
I am glad to hear you are alright (and that I am not the only one that can do stupid things). Smitty & Missicalf are so cute! Too bad about the Derby horse.
Clearly, you should have two drinks to make up for your careless sobriety.
I know (sorta) how you feel. I once conscientiously (at least, I think that's the word I want), guided a drunken college friend home across a field. In the dark. If she'd fallen, she would have bounced. Me, I twisted my ankle was limping for weeks.
Hopefully you'll be doing better soon!
Love the calves--but oh nooo! So sorry about the fall and the head-bonk.
I don't know about you, but as I've found that falling as a grown up hurts a hell of a lot more than when I was a kid. I just don't bounce anymore!
Take good care of yourself!
Reb - you, of all people, know for sure what a klutz I am! I'm also pretty sure you can guess what made me cry harder - the fall or the horse!
Merry - no good deed goes unpunished!!
Crabby - I have noticed that effect too, as I get older. Although I do have a lot more padding than I did when I was young.
The only ill effects I seem to have suffered is a little tenderness on my head and some stiffness, especially in my neck. Guess I'll live! (Well, unless I'm typing total gibberish and don't know it...)
I hope you put some ice on that! And hopefully the rest of your weekend will get better!
Thanks, Sagan. Yes, I walked around with a towel-wrapped ice pack on my head for quite awhile yesterday. Not an attractive look...
Youch! Sorry to hear about your fall. Crabby is right - falls do hurt more as you get older and you seem to do more of them and with less and less grace! Or so it seems to me. I'm sending you a kiwi-cuddle to make it better.
And sorry about the horse. We saw that on NZ tv.
Dawn - thanks for the kiwi-cuddle - I feel better already!
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