Here's another comparison shot for you. This is Pegasus and Dawn. You remember Dawn, right? She was the tiniest of the twins, born 9 days ago. She has grown, but still isn't anywhere close to Pegasus, who was born Friday evening!
(The Bag Lady had quite a time getting them close enough together to take any kind of picture - they don't care that they are famous!)
The Bag Lady has been quite busy with all kinds of this and that. There is always so much to do in the spring! And why is it that, in spite of the longer daylight hours, the days seem to go by so fast?!
May have to add an update to this post later on, but this is it for now!
Cute little calfs, what a great way to wake up in the morning!
Ok, perhaps that would be calves.
Baby cows. Whatever. Need coffee.
why did I laugh at the NOT CARING THEY ARE FAMOUS line...
(I cant do anything in the am sans a little coffee, C. so Im impressed you made the computer work)
Marvelous mini moos motivating my morning mood.
I think that's what Crabby was going for (if she were inclined toward alliteration). ;)
Ow, ow ow. The more I see Pegasus the sorrier I feel for its mom.
Excellent comparison pic. Thanks for letting us know how they're doing.
Maybe they act like that because they DO know they are famous! Cute little guys..
Stay tuned....
Oh, they are cute and Pegasus is big!
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