Born early this morning, the Bag Lady had to wait until there was a little more daylight to take a picture, and even then, with the cloud cover, the flash went off!
Here is a really short video clip of how bouncy and energetic she is, much like who she is named for...
Aww that one is particularly adorable. Welcome, Scrumpy. :)
YAY! I still cannot get over how much energy they have on their first day on earth...cute little guy.
Hilary - there is quite a lot of cuteness around here now!
Missicat - it never ceases to amaze me how they get up and get moving so fast!
Oh I'm so excited! Thanks so much Bag Lady! What a cute little Scrump!
Scrumpy is so cute and bouncy. What a happy calf!
SB - glad you like her! She's a go-getter.
dfLeah -she does seem pretty happy...might be it was getting kinda cramped in there!
Those things sure are hoppy! I guess I would be too if I was finally out in the open and able to stretch out!
I was watching a show last night that showed cows giving birth and how the ranchers help them; it was interesting to see how they just kinda pull the cow out and then let momma lick it clean. I thought it was cute!
Emily - I'm curious - would you have watched that program if it wasn't for this blog?
I have often thought about video taping the actual birth, but thought it might be too much for some people to watch....
Breaking news....am working on starting my own blog...any tips from any one?? THANKS!
Aww How adorable. Scrumpy is a perfect name. :)
Missicat!! That's so exciting!! Not sure if I have any tips or not, but make sure you give me the address so I can come and check it out!!!!
Maggie - Welcome! Glad you like the name...she's a wonderful little calf!
Hi - unfortunately I won't have pics of baby animals, but hopefully won't put anyone to sleep :-)
when do we get the Scrumpy in bikini shot?
Here's the link:
Any tips would be appreciated...
Missicat - I'm coming right over!!
Mizfit -when ever you Texas girls get here to put the bikini on the calf....
Seeing as I can barely get my DOG to wear a t-shirt, I'm thinking getting a cow into a bathing suit isn't going to work too well. Of course, Miz Fit does have the arms of a goddess....
I love the clips that show how bouncy they are. So cute.
Such a little cutie!
SB - if anyone can get a calf into a bikini, it'll be you and Mizfit! :)
Reb - it's hard to get them to bounce on command!!
Sagan - I know - you should see all the pictures and videos I take that I don't put on the blog!!
Welcome Scrumpy!!!
And what's that, a Missicat blog??
Bag Lady, you truly are an inspiration to so many.
Must go take a look!
Wow...what a bouncy little cow.
If you can get a bikini on it I will bake you a cake...and hand deliver it when I am in the area :)
Crabby, you made the Bag Lady blush...
Geo - Ooh, cake!!! Will get to work on putting a bikini on that calf!
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