The calf on the left is Smitty, and the calf on the right is Dawn. Smitty and Dawn were born the same day...

The Bag Lady apologizes for the "butt" shot - it's very difficult to get the calves to stay still to pose for their pictures! And little Dawn was very rambunctious last evening when the Bag Lady was trying to photograph her! (As always, click on the photo to enlarge)
Interesting comparison shot. How are Dawn's legs doing? They seem a bit off in the pic.
I can't believe how long their legs are when they're born...I guess they have to grow into them!
Cool pic and comparison AND butt shot.
We love the MOOO COW (as my toddler is screaming) photos up in herre.
dfLeah - Dawn's legs are getting better - she was a little off-kilter in the picture because she was trying to run!
Emily - yup, their legs do look a little out of proportion, don't they?
Mizfit - glad your toddler is liking the mooooo cows!
Goodness, Milkshake looks huge!
SB - funny, isn't it? Actually, because Milkshake was the only calf for a month or so, the pregnant heifers were allowing her to feed off them - ordinarily, cows will not allow another calf to feed, but first-time heifers aren't so stringent. So Milkshake got a really good start in life!!
Wow - what a difference!
Cute calf behinds! :-)
Who is the little guy running in front?
Wow, I have a cute butt! Well, I mean.. Smitty does.
Interesting comparison shot, Baggie, especially to see where Milkshake is now.
Did you ever imagine that you'd have people all over the blogosphere knowing so much about your cattle?
Missicat - I think that's Jocelyn (Leah's namesake). Would you like to see how your namesake is doing? I have a little video of her, but it isn't very good... let me know and I'll post it anyway!
Hilary - your namesake is a brute! Did you notice he's almost as tall as Milkshake?
This is fun, and somewhat surprising, to have people all over the blogosphere interested in our calves!
So little and sweet! Can't get enough of the calf photos.
Would love to see it - thanks!
Sagan - I keep expecting people to start saying "enough, already!!!"
Missicat - I'll try to add the video to this post....
And so much better than the petting zoo!
dfTerrie - and you don't have to smell it, either!!
Thanks! If only my legs were that thin..
....then your knees would be that knobby!!! :)
Wow, being part of a twin set really makes Dawn look tiny. Great comparison shot. Cute video of Missicalf.
Dawn IS really tiny! And so cute. Aw, hell, they are ALL cute!
Thanks, Reb.
Great shot to show the differing sizes.
And I'll fight the first man that says Dawn is puny. As my mother always used to tell people - she's small boned!
My wall is getting covered with photos of calves. I'll be hauling them out of my wallet soon to show strangers in the supermarket "my babies"!
Aye, she is that, alright, Dawn. Small-boned, I mean.
And I know what you mean about showing the photos of the "babies" to strangers - isn't that sort of what I'm doing, only my wallet is blog-sized? :)
Nice blog, kiddo.
Expat Big Brother
Thanks, bro!!
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