It was a rather damp, cool weekend, so the Bag Lady slacked off a little. Last evening turned out to be very nice though, so she took a little stroll out through the various pastures. The cows are locked out of one little pasture in order to let the grass grow, so the Bag Lady meandered leisurely through it. She was surprised to discover several saskatoon bushes that were loaded with blossoms. She knew there were some out there, but didn't realize how many. She isn't a real saskatoon berry fan - she prefers raspberries. But the blossoms are pretty:

The Bag Lady is learning a little more about her camera, and has figured out the macro setting:
The calves were rather rambunctious last night - must be because they were happy to be warm and dry again! Little Dawn and Saffron were the instigators most of the time, and those two little calves can really tear up the ground! The bigger calves had trouble keeping up:
(There is a cow bawling far in the background, but it is difficult to hear...that's what the Bag Lady was referring to in her commentary. )
Have a great day!
Loved the calf races.
I'm not a big saskatoon fan either. Used to eat them straight off the tree when I was young, but even then it was because the strawberries in the lawn were done and the blueberries weren't ready yet.
I've never even heard of a Saskatoon berry.. much less tasted one, but I Google imaged them and now I know what they look like. You'll have to macro shoot them when they're ready.
Loved the frolicking calves. Baggie you'll either have to stop showing how CUTE they are.. or never NEVER tell us about.. the day... when they.. go to the.. you know... GULP!
dfLeah - straight off the tree - yes.
The wild strawberries are blooming in the pasture, I found blueberry bushes alongside the road, and wild raspberries I didn't know were there on the far side of the bush behind the house! Now, if I can beat the bears and the birds to them....
Hilary - Saskatoon berries are sweet and juicy - sometimes. If it is a dry year, they are woody and dry. They make a nice pie, and lots of people make a home-canned sauce with them. I prefer tarter-tasting fruit.
And these calves probably aren't least, not from here!
They're so curious about the camera, it's adorable! Very nice photography work.
Saskatoons are a bit seedy, like a hopped up blueberry. they're not my favourit either, but you can make yummy jelly and syrup from them. Give me a blueberry any day...
The calves are so cute :)
Thanks, Sagan - I'm slowly getting better pictures - just have to remember to check what setting it's on!!
Geosomin - They are seedy, and too sweet for my taste. But yeah, the syrup tastes good on ice cream!
Good photos Sis. The calf races - too funny! Man, they are fast though! Good shooting too.
Thanks, sis! It's surprising how fast they can run.
Raspberries are my favorite fruit. I'd like to try a Saskatoon berry for comparison. ;) Fun photos!
I certainly picked the right day to check back in. Dawn and Saffron are looking great!
I'm a raspberry fan too. We don't get saskatoon berries here.
I love the Frisky Frolicking Follies!
And I agree with Hilary. That video is an advertisement for tofu if ever there was one.
Barrie - glad you stopped by! Saskatoon berries taste similar to blueberries, only drier.
Dawn - Good to see you! I knew if I posted a video of your namesakes, you'd drop in! How is you hubby doing? Hope all is well.
Merry - I know, I know, but at least these are mostly heifers, so they will lead long and productive lives.
Uncle Walter would be "in heaven" if you 'smartened up' a row or two of his rasberries for your personal use, and in return provided a few "saskatoon berry pies and/or jars of jelly" ....he loves Saskatoon berry anything...
Abby cuz
Holy Moley, cows can sprint! I had no idea. They were really hauling there. Great video--loved the cows and the soft lighting.
(And I always get a kick out of hearing your voice, as blogs are generally silent things without Canadian accents).
Baggie.. Reb. Leah.. do you have any idea what Crabby is talking aboot? Me neither, eh?
df Bag Lady,
I love to see the calves running, and I am glad they are not headed THERE anytime soon.
Thanks for the explanation about Saskatoon berries, I'll have to follow Hillary over to Google Images.
calf races? bawling? Saskatoon berry?!
and youre already better with your camera than I am at mine which Ive had for a *while*
Hey cuzzie - I'll have to make a deal with him, because I love raspberries!
Crabby - accent, eh? Glad you enjoy the videos of the calves...even with the somewhat lame Canadjun commentary!
Hilary - Yeah, what's that aboot anyway, eh?
dfTerrie - aren't the calves too cute? When they haul ass like that, I just have to laugh.
And when the saskatoons come into season, I'll bake all of you a pie!
Mizfit - It's an educational blog. What can I say? :)
Loved the video! Like the others, had NO idea calves could run that fast. Must be like being around a bunch of 6 year olds...they just keep riling each other up!
Missicat - that's so true! Then later in the summer they get to the teenage years and their mothers are frantic most of the time.
I love it when they do that little jump with their back legs, like they're still figuring out how their bodies work. Our kitten still does that and it makes me smile every time.
SB - I know exactly what you mean!
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