Friday, August 27, 2010

Photo Finish Friday - Fog

This was the river valley on Monday when the Bag Lady was on her way to work. It appeared to be full of whipped cream.

It wasn't. It was full of clouds.

Photo-Finish Friday is the brainchild of Leah over at the Goat's Lunch Pail.


Leah J. Utas said...

Love the fog pics. I always want to walk into it because it looks so soft and fluffy.

Reb said...

I saw the Peace River valley like that at Dunvegan once, it was scary driving into the fog, then it cleared about half way down. Then back through on the other side. I would have sworn I could have driven straight across over the top of the fog from bank to bank though.

Good pictures Sis!

David Cranmer said...

Reminds me of Maine here. Excellent atmosphere for a writer.

the Bag Lady said...

Leah - that's how I feel when I'm in a plane, looking down at the clouds - I want to walk on them. Probably not a good idea.

Reb - this was the same - it was clear halfway down.

David - I really want to visit Maine. That's where some of our ancestors lived when they came to America way back in the 1600's.

Levi said...

Nice fog, bragger.

solarity said...

There was a smaller version of that on my way to work this morning: a creek, not a river, with the amount of fog in proportion. The only fog in 34 miles, too.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see from above, but no fun to drive into a foggy valley!

messymimi said...

The foggy swamps around here have a beauty to them also, but no majestic mountains appear when it clears, so these are a treat for me. Thanks.

the Bag Lady said...

Gee, thanks, Janell. You must see fog quite a bit where you live, don't you?

Mary Anne in Kentucky - this was the only fog, too, between home and the city.

kcinnova - I was a little worried, but it turned out to be clear underneath, so wasn't bad.

messymimi - no problem! And as for majestic mountains, when we go on our vacation in Sept., I'll be sure to take lots of photos for you to gaze upon!

Clare2e said...

Wow- love that picture!

When I'm in a plane above the cloud cover, I get the same impression of billowy fields, and like Leah, I always want to touch.

Hilary said...

I love fog. It can be so fleeting though. You've sure captured the beauty of this one.

the Bag Lady said...

Clare - it's just as well the planes are sealed up, isn't it?

Hilary - thanks. It just looked so pretty filling the valley.

Cheryl Kohan said...

That's really pretty!

I need to ask Leah what the rules are for Photo Finish Friday and if anyone can join in.

Geosomin said...

beautiful. We had the same thing on the river here...only it was smoke.
Still beautiful tho...

Anonymous said...

Please to add "amazing" or "gorgeous" tag to the voting boxes, 'cuz those are both! : )