Emel has a "twin" brother!

One of the cows who has been looking after Emel had a calf today, and she has been licking both calves. This may mean that she is willing to feed Emel and adopt him as her own..... if Emel can be convinced to suck her. He's been on a bottle for the entire 23 days of his life, so may not be able to adjust to sucking a cow. The Bag Lady is hopeful, though, that he will, because the cow seems to think he might be hers.
That'd be great! Would she have enough milk for two? I'll cross my fingers that Emel will give it a go. That could be good news for you.
Sounds like it make work out. That's good.
May. That's may work out.
Conny - it would be wonderful! And yes, she will probably have enough milk for two, even though the calf that was born today is enormous! He is bigger than Emel already!
dfLeah - we had one of the neighbours here for supper, and he and the Rancher went out after supper and got both calves sucking the cow! She didn't fuss at all, so as long as Emel doesn't think we have to be there every time he wants a drink, it will be great!
Hooray! Sounds like a tea(t) party!
If the new calf is that enormous, perhaps the cow feels as if she just had twins?
Totally awwww! Good mama cow.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
kcinnova - I'm pretty sure that cow does feel like she gave birth to twins! The new calf is bigger than Emel, and the cow was exhausted after giving birth!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - she is a very good cow!
I will pray that he will take to her.
It can be difficult, I know, to get babies that are used to a bottle to take to a mama a few days later. I hope Emel will be one of the success stories.
messymimi - I just got back from checking on them, and Emel seems to be well on his way. I do wonder, though, if I will have to go out there a few times to encourage him to drink - it did not appear as though he took the initiative this morning, and I had to coax him a little. Once he got in there, though, he really went to town! :)
Fabulous! Is there any way to encourage the little guy to "adopt" a new mom? What ever happened to his birth mother, by the way? Or did I miss that part?
This is wonderful news. Maybe Mom2can convince him.
Have you tried putting milk on her teats and skipping a bottle?
Cancel my comment...I should have known you had it under control. Next time I will read the comments before I write one.
Great news...I think I would keep that cow!
Cheryl - his birth mother is at summer pasture with the rest of the herd. He seems perfectly content with his new adoptive mother, though!
Gail - we were lucky with this calf - he didn't need a lot of encouragement! And the cow will stay here forever, really!
Good Mama cow.. her maternal instincts make up for the birth mother's lack of them.
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