Here is the swan that the Bag Lady carved out of a watermelon. It looks a little worse for wear because it's been a few days.....

Here's the newest addition to the ranch:

And the first bunch of new carrots from the garden:

The Bag Lady's garden is doing quite well now that it has received some rain. The peas are starting to produce pods, and the beets are probably big enough to eat. The corn probably won't amount to anything, and the beans are slow, but will probably start flowering soon.
Food, glorious food...
Good job on the swan and the baby isn't even on his feet yet! So, when can I expect my care package?
LOVE the newest addition.
did I miss its name?
Love the pictures! I was SO curious about the Swanermelon, how clever! And the baby and the carrots are an extra bonus.
The calf and the carrots are both so young!
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Life in its many forms. :)
I like your Swanermelon. New calf and new carrots? Life is good.
Looks like your carrots are way ahead of mine! I've got some sugar snap peas starting, the beans are growing very slowly - I had to replant them. And the herbs I planted in the garden mostly didn't grow this year. Going to miss my cilantro and dill.
Reb - I'm not quite sure how to send you that calf.... oh, you meant the carrots? Oops.
Miz - she hasn't been named yet... suggestions?
Crabby - thanks! I thought the swanermelon turned out okay.
Mary Anne - the calf was less than an hour old - the carrots.... ummm... err... a couple months?
kcinnova - true, true!
dfLeah - thanks! It got darned close to the freezing mark here overnight, so I'll have to check things closely.
JavaChick - My peas are blooming like mad, and there are a few pods already, but the beans are slow - they froze a couple of times. I have tons of dill, which self-seeded (I haven't actually planted dill for several years!). Need some?
Wow, we planted carrots but they're about 1/4 inch long right now (I know this because my kids keep pulling them up to show me...sigh). And your swan-o-melon is adorable! Will have to keep that in mind for the next shower I get invited to!
We don't have any carrots yet but have been eating tomatoes and radishes and lettuce for a few weeks. I greatly anticipate tomatoes from the Fall before, when the last fresh one was eaten. Yum! Vee at
Charlotte - carrots NEED to be thinned, right? I never get around to doing that, so you're lucky you have kids to help out! :)
Watermelons can be carved into all kinds of things (baby buggy for a shower?) and filled with fruit. So pretty.
Vee - you are eating tomatoes from your garden already!!? I am so-o-o jealous! I had trouble with frost this year, so my tomato plants are tiny. I probably won't get any tomatoes this year!
Awww look at that little sweetie!
And Swanermelong.. I'll bet that's your cygneture fruit bowl. ;)
awwwww...did the baby get used to his legs yet?
Hilary - you crack me up! Cygneture, indeed.
Missicat - she's bouncing around like nobody's business now!! :)
We have cucumbers coming out of our ears! I eat them every meal :) My friend brought over beets from her garden and that was the first time I had ever prepared them fresh....dirt and all :).........
YUMMY! Next season hubby is planting them for me. Who knew they could be so yummy!
Love the melon carving!
Annette - nice to see you! I love beets fresh out of the garden! In fact, I think I'll go pull some right now..... bye
Swan-ermelon: wow!
New addition: aww!
Carrots: yum!
What is the theme for this year's crow of calves? Because I think swanermelon is a cool name! Now I want to carve a melon.
Sagan - thanks!
Marianne - carve yourself a swan, fill it with sangria and go nuts! :)
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