It was a lovely, hot day on the ranch yesterday. The Rancher decided he would cut some hay. The air conditioner in the tractor does not work (remember that, because it will be relevant later in this post!)
He went to the hayfield and the Bag Lady did some book work, then some housework (washed her floors in the boiling heat....whew!) The Rancher finished up in the hayfield and arrived home just before supper time. (and they had a beer) The Bag Lady had thawed out some pork chops for supper, and the Rancher decided that it was his turn to cook, so he fired up the barbeque. (and had a beer.)
The Bag Lady set the table and settled back to enjoy this unexpected night off from kitchen duty: (and they had a beer)

The Rancher and the Bag Lady enjoyed a little liquid refreshment while their supper was cooking. The evening was balmy, the beer was cold, and everything was good in their world.
Eventually they sat down to a lovely meal:

The Rancher was hot (no air-conditioning in the tractor, remember?) and this:

looked very inviting.
Before the Bag Lady could say "what the heck...?", the Rancher had shed his clothes and...

And the Bag Lady will keep the rest of the pictures to herself because..... what happens on the ranch, stays on the ranch!
Have a good weekend!
And that is why they made up that policy. :)
LOL love it!!!! That's what summer is all about eh :)
At first I thought you were worried about the food porn, but then I scrolled a bit too far!! Definitely pictures no one needs to see ;)
I love it. I just love it. Wonderful. And it's best to leave the rest to our imaginations.
More photos. I demand more photos.
This post was so sweet and funny it actually brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing better than making your own fun.
It looks like there's a lot to be said for having no near neighbors!
Georgie - Oops - you saw the uncensored version, didn't you?!
Crazylady - it definitely IS what summer's all about.
TB - aw, you're just jealous 'cause you can't run around the yard in your birthday suit! :)
Leah - I was laughing too hard to take many more pictures!
POD - down, girl, down. The rest of the pictures are too raunchy for you!
Scrumpy - I hope you were laughing 'til you cried!
BG - yes, it's great to have privacy! But the cows decided to move to a different pasture.....:)
BUTT... who added the Censored sign to his rear.. you or Blogger? I do in fact see the uncensored image in my reader.. and the Rancher is all he's cracked up to be!
This post is wonderful.. and now a favourite - right up there with your Miz Unfit (I forget what you really called her) video.
Hilary - I actually censored it - should have done so last night, but I was tired and it was late....
Do you mean this post? A(u)ntiFit
That's the one. :) We need an encore performance.
How did the Rancher feel about you playing exhibitionist on his behind.. err behalf?
Ummm - was I supposed to tell him? (LOL)
(There was this big hooha in the NYTimes last week about naked time for children...)
Wait, tractors have AC??? Where have I been? Obviously off the farm...
Hahah! I love how you censored the last one! I'm hoping that the ending to this story is that the Bag Lady joined the Rancher;)
BUT don't tell me. I'm not asking to know. I just like the happily-ever-after-in-a-rain-barrel type endings;)
Isn't this what private land is for?
I hope you both enjoyed the evening immensely.
Looks like fun.
Know we all know why you have all the land and no near neighbors! Were the cows startled? :-)
Melissa - oh yes - the new tractors (the ones that cost a bazillion dollars) have a/c, satellite radio, GPS.... you name it! Ours is so old, though, that it has the old-style freon a/c, and it's next to impossible to have it recharged. Sigh.
Charlotte - okay, I won't tell you that it didn't have a fairy-tale ending (I was laughing so hard I was afraid to get in - thought I might drown!) :)
Messymimi - we did have some good belly laughs! (Of course, my belly stayed covered with my T-shirt....)
Reb - it WAS fun.
Missicat - the cows decided it was time to move to a pasture further from the house... don't understand it, myself! :)
Wow...gratuitous butt shot and it's not even friday :)
I love that you guys get up to shenanigans on a sunny thursday afternoon! it is friday.
Heh. Um . Ahem.
All that buttock confused me :)
Geo - sorry for the confusion-causing butt photo.... it's Friday. Yes indeedy.
Brrrr! Cold--or not hot--water is not for me. Except when it's falling from the sky.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Mary Anne in Kentucky - that water was warm!!! It was over 80F here yesterday, and the water was tepid.
Oh shoot, I was hoping for the uncensored version!
Ah well, I suppose I wouldn't want a picture of my naked ass on the internet, so respecting the rancher's privacy makes sense.
Darn it though. I shoulda stopped by sooner!
Crabby - you snooze, you lose! :) And it's a cute one, too!!
The calf and kitty are so cute! And while you're dining al fresco, that pool scene looks as refreshing as it is smutty!
Clare - apparently, the pool as quite refreshing.... but the dining al fresco was the best part for me!! :)
Is that the BUNNY Ranch, perhaps? ;D
Lucas - Bummy ranch. Err, you'd crack right up if you knew what we ACTUALLY call our ranch!! :)
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