She was doing some experimenting and made her own home-grown, all-natural, organic garlic powder yesterday! It turned out very well. Well enough, in fact, that she is thinking of doing more. It was fun. She might try making onion powder, too.
She loves experimenting with things like that, and is working on perfecting some dried spice mixes for dips and sauces. Garlic and hot pepper? Chive and dill? Onion, spinach and garlic? It's fun to think up combinations.
She and the Rancher had their first feed of beets from the garden, did she tell you? They were really good. And the Rancher has been pestering her for some time now to cook beet greens for him. She had never eaten beet greens, so was hesitant. (She was afraid they would taste like cooked spinach, which she really does not care for!) She finally broke down and cooked some and was pleasantly surprised that they tasted quite good. But she was also a wee bit dismayed at how those huge leaves shriveled up to such a teensy tiny little amount. It's a good thing she cooked both the beets and the greens!
She has to go to town today, but perhaps later on this afternoon she will get around to making a batch of dilled carrots. They are so-o good! And the carrots are perfect right now - just the right size to fit in the jars.
Here's a picture for you that has absolutely nothing to do with this post! She just thinks it's pretty.

Have you tried sun-drying your tomatoes? you could then put those in your dip mixes too.
People could mix the spices in anything they wanted, from yoghurt to sour cream, cream cheese, plain mayo. They could rub it on steaks before grilling, or chops, chicken...the list is endless.
Love the photo - the sky colour is amazing.
dried spice mixes for dips and sauces?
test kitchen?
are you opening a factory up north?
a general store?
can we git invited to aforementioned test kitchen for samples?
all that--
Go wild with the combos. Seriously. They sound amazing already.
Not big on beet greens myself, but I bet they were tasty.
Lovely pic.
Reb - if my tomatoes amount to anything this year, I will try that.
Unfortunately, this hasn't been a good year for tomatoes around here.
Miz - the great northern bean factory? ....err the great northern... err... I'm not sure what I'm doing, exactly, but come on up! Try out some spice mixes. Or perhaps I can just send them to a few folks to test them out? Volunteers?
dfLeah - I am having fun experimenting. Love to play with my food....
I'd love to know how you make your own garlic powder. I assume it involves the food processor and the dehydrator?
I grew up never eating spinach, because we didn't have it at home--turnip greens, yes, beet greens, occasionally--and when I tasted it elsewhere, blech! Then, when I was a grownup I ate some in a salad, and realized "This stuff actually tastes good if you don't cook it to death!" I still don't eat it as plain cooked greens, though.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
BG - that's exactly right! I dehydrated the garlic cloves, then ground them up.... simple, really.
Mary Anne in Kentucky - I've never cared for boiled greens of any kind, but the beet leaves were pretty good. Someone was telling me you could use them to make a dish similar to cabbage rolls, too. Beet rolls. Doesn't have the same ring, does it?
One day I am going to come visit you and we will have amazingly adventurous kitchen experiments.
Do tell how you made the garlic powder! Is it really just sticking a couple bulbs in the dehydrator and grinding it up? How long did they sit in the dehydrator for? I think I know what I'll be doing this weekend... :)
Sagan - I dehydrated them for quite a long time. Actually, twice. Had to turn the dehydrator off for awhile, so then decided they weren't quite dry enough and turned it back on for a few more hours.
And yes, that's all I did. Got them good and dry, then ground them up in my mini-processor. A coffee grinder would work really well, I think!
I would love to have you come and visit and experiment in the kitchen with me! :)
Oh I do love me some beets! I could eat a whole jar of my grandma's pickled beets at once. (But I'd have to fight my mom for them first.)
What do you put in the garlic to make it natural and organic?
I just spent the past 5 nights helping out in the produce & spice shop of our Vacation Bible school. We let the kids grind up the dried herbs last night.
What has become of your dandelion wine?
Scrumpy - I love pickled beets, too! I made so many 2 years ago, we are still eating them! :)
POD - water and manure. :)
kcinnova - now that the kids are experts, send them here to help me! :)
I need to find some tubing so that I can rack the wine.... looked in town today, but couldn't find any. Might have to use the garden hose! :)
You're so adventurous and clever. :) Just think of all the Google hits you would have had to your blog had you used the post title "Hot and Spicy Bag Lady."
Hilary - ummm... errr.... probably not the kind of readers who would stick around long!
love your blog!
I think Hilary's onto something... Hot and Spicy Bag Lady... Beets a Specialty...
Okay, maybe not. But you're definitely getting readers who want to stop by for a taste test :)
We had beet greens every summer growing up. I'm sure my parents still eat them. I've never been a fan of any cooked green - one of the few things I don't miss from my parents garden!
Thanks, Merry!
JavaChick - I was never a fan of cooked greens, either, but was surprised that the beet greens weren't all that bad!
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