She and the Rancher had to go to town yesterday for appointments and a few groceries. The river was quite swollen, so the Bag Lady asked the Rancher to take a picture (she was driving). Here is what was on her camera when she downloaded the pictures last night:

She has no clue what that is - perhaps the inside of the console in her truck??
Actually, here is the picture of the river that the Rancher took.

And this is a picture she took of the rain gushing into her already full rain barrel during a rather violent thunderstorm that tore through the other day. (And apparently, tear it did - tore part of the roof right off the Rancher's uncle's house!) The Bag Lady took this photo through the window screen in her sun porch. It was pouring rain, but the sun was still shining (must be why she calls it a sun porch....)

Wow! That is some rainstorm!
No wonder your bucket filled up quickly.
It looks like books or CD covers.. and some sort of strap.... perhaps your camera strap?
The Rancher seems to be a fine shutterbug... and have a great weekend yourself.
please to send rain my way.
Have a fantastic (marianne-free. sigh) weeknd!!
Love the bucket photo, and thanks for sharing the various goings on. Always like to know what you're up to. Hope it's a great weekend!
It looks like the river is nearly as full as the rain barrel. Enjoy it while you have it.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
kcinnova - it was, indeed!
Hilary - I've been trying to remember what's in my console that could be in the picture - a book of stamps... and that is definitely the cameras' strap.
David - Thanks! The Rancher has never used my camera before, so he was a little unsure of how to make it work.
Miz - I would gladly share our rain with you! You have had it hot down there, haven't you?
And I'm glad I have things to do, otherwise I would really, really miss Marianne! (This way, I'll only miss her a little.)
Thanks, Crabby - hope your weekend is great, too!
Mary Anne in Kentucky - The river was (apparently) even higher the day before, full of logs and debris. Almost overflowed it's banks. A lot of rain fell in places! (6.5 inches in less than 24 hours a little to the south and east of us!)
I just showed my youngest son the picture of your overflowing rain barrel. He thinks he could swim in your yard! :)
My camera always has a few mystery photos on it, courtesy of the kiddos. Although usually it's a shot up somebody's nose or a close-up of some unidentifiable "treasure", lol! Looks like a heck of a rainstorm!
Jeez, feast or famine with the weather. Cool mystery photo. I've done something similar myself. Ever take a pocket pic?
As for the wet, I hope the ground isn't so saturated now that it all runs away.
How is that dandelion wine coming along?
kcinnova - he'd better hurry before he gets as tall as those brothers of his! :) Actually, one really, really hot summer a few years ago, the Rancher came home from spending the day in the hot (a/c broken) tractor, and jumped straight into that very rain barrel!
I need to find time soon (very soon) to rack that wine!
Charlotte - I don't have kids to blame it on! (it might actually have been me when I put it away...)
dfLeah - I have taken several pocket pics! Who knew how interesting it was in my pocket! :)
Most of the rain seems to have soaked in very well. We need some heat now, and the grass will really jump!
Beautiful view of the river!
Beautiful river pic! We're expecting rain this weekend too :-(
Wish I could send it to someone else - I want to go to my pool! *whine*
Thanks, Scrumpy!
Missicat - maybe it won't rain the WHOLE weekend....
Send some rain down here : )
Emily - I'll see what I can do, but so far, I haven't seemed to have much influence where Mother Nature is concerned! :)
Not raining outside. Only in my heart.
I love it when it's rainy and sunny at the same time :)
POD - why is it raining in your heart?!
Geo - I love sunshowers, too!
Are you smoking CraVEN A or Number SeVEN? that is a red cigarette wherever you keep your smokes in the truck... Helpful, eh?
Wow, the river is really high, great shot of it too. I hope the rain lets up for awhile flooding is not desirable.
Reb - why yes, I do believe you are right - ahem - must have been the Rancher's - ahem. :)
Thank goodness for digital cameras..remember when we had to pay to develop those "mystery" photos.....
Cuzzie - you have a point! :)
Wow, so much rain! I'm glad it didn't do that when I was at camp!
Georgie - I'm glad you didn't get rained on at camp, either, but we sure needed it here!
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